Monday, January 9

The attack resembled the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 3 MIN READ

 Oh no... now I am beginning to understand.

The US opened our doors to Bolsonara, AFTER changing our laws so that he cannot be extradited if he wants to stay here...

Can we be honest?  US money is likely funding these scenes down south.  Our CIA --  the US version of Mossad -- is likely inciting much of this.  Without US funding, these scenes are homegrown.

If you watch any videos, this has turned VIOLENT.  The Jan.6 "attack" on the US Capitol does NOT resemble the violence, chaos and scenes were are seeing...

The New York Times has a narrative to serve, and international consumers now.  BUT BE HONEST:  what happened in America was a political grandstanding -- no guns or weapons were even present in the peaceful protests that day:  except for those held by the Capitol cops...

Nobody died that day, except for the protestor shot down dead by the Capitol officer Byrd -- a black officer who has pretty much been shielded from public view, his name only announced months and months later... The others who died, died of natural causes.  ONe in particular, whose family did not want his death politicized, had a stroke, and was NOT attacked directly in the head with a fire extinguisher, as initially reported.  His body simply was not well trained for the physical exertion he undertook that day, and he had a stroke...

I wonder how long the NYT will try to shape this narrative, occuring outside our country.  I doubt anyone will believe them:  "the attack resembled the storming of the US Capitol on Jan. 6"  (and how stupid do you think the 3minread label is, when oh, if you've been following the narrative they are pushing on our country... you've read much much more than than.  And from independent sources primarily, others outside our country...)

The media and the Democratic party are simply too intertwined here, and it's true that America is now seeinug graphically and in live coverage what is happening in Brazil.  It's clearly nothing at all like the mostly peaceful protests of Jan.6.    We need to be truthful in our reporting...

Soon enough too, Americans will see what is being done in our name in the Ukraine.  I'm telling you:  the future of America does NOT support our tax dollars being used for violence, nor do we want the guns here used against us the way our military men think they can kill their way to power in other places.

It's just not WinningUgly when others die to preserve our current system of capitalism.  That the New York Times -- and all those actively working there -- would collaborate to "create a narrative" as though international wars and revolutions can be massaged the way we did a certain president's passage of national healthcare, in the middle of the night over the then will of the AMerican people, is something the Brown grads do not understand:  the world is bigger than you, and the truth will be told, even if your newspaper wishes to present other facts on the ground...

Tell the truth. Report the news.  If your reporters are caught collaborating, and incentivized monetarily to push another version of facts, you need to let them go, not reward them.  Once you do that, nobody is going to follow the standard neutral rules of reporting, of which simple truth-telling is job one.

I wonder how long the headline will stay up... "The attack resembled the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 3 MIN READ"


Here's a Times diversity "jackpot winner" who puts her largesse on display on social media:  she's clearly got "too much" for the work she does, and owns her own publishing company that encourages women-as-victim stories for fiction.  Know who you are reading, when you click these links  (if you want Change, yes-- not only do your job, but then some.  Remember the night-shift worker who helped solve the Moscow murders.  It's young women, and girls, who are primarily dying when we encourage people to not do their jobs... do more.  If you want TrueChange, respect the truth, work harder and go get it.  Shut out those who would tell you otherwise... They are fat and comfortable off their jackpot winnings.  Ms. Gay is descended from Haitian immigrants:  why wouldn't she want the NYT to cover the stories of THEIR landings in recent days in the Florida Keys, a story that should be FrontPageNationalNews, along with the hundreds of crafts coming from Cuba too, with the winds blowing right in recent days...):

Yes, Your Job Is Important. But It’s Not All-Important.

There is a gulf between what you should do and what you can do, Roxane Gay writes.


Yes, Your Job Is Important. But It’s Not All-Important.

There is a gulf between what you should do and what you can do, Roxane Gay writes.



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