Monday, January 9

What did Bret Stephen's Father Do in Mexico City, that his son and wife had to shelter in America?

 Bret Stephens, formerly of the Jerusalem Post and The Wall Street Journal writes this, "Bret: If there’s a silver lining here, it’s that the whole spectacle has shown voters what they get for voting for this Republican Party."

Clearly, he's upset that AMerican voters tossed "women with a backbone" lol like Liz Cheney.  If Stephens could suck her father back into office, he would.  Bret likes when American taxpayers fund other nations civil wars... he is a capitalist non par.

What does he think America owes him?  He and his offspring -- his two wives Pamela Paul and Richie vonRich both work with him at the Times...  He's set for life.  And he should stop pushing his narrative, pack his bags like his Dad, and admit, he's taken all he can from this country...

These types never leave the company nor the lands they inhabit well.  They destroy and depart.  Same as it ever was.  How many years until Bret runs our country into the ground, and flees to Tel Aviv...

He's cursed to continually walk the world.  But Americans don't have to give him time of day, much less a dime more... Good riddance.  Pack up and go.  And take Gail Collins' slobber with you.


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