Wednesday, February 1

In the In Box...

My folks are both "elderly", but they live at home, my sisters and brothers are close, and God willing, they are doing good taking care of each other, lifelong teammates that they are... (that's my word, not theirs.)

Still, it's been cold there too, I hadn't heard from her in a few days, so I sent my Mom a message this morning, when I was up and online...

Good morning, I hope you are inside, but just off the computer? How are you doing?

Please drop a line if you get a chance...
I know it's cold...
Nothing new to report from up here. Cold, but I am busy working inside on application  materials.
I LOVE YOU.  Hope you are warm and healthy inside, and keeping your mind on positive things...
The sun will come out... if not tomorrow, then by springtime at least...

Hope you are just "hibernating" there, but please drop a brief line if you are reading this today...
Much love always, ...

They're fine. I can tell by her response:

8:57 AM (22 minutes ago)
to me
WHERE the heck did you think I would be at 6:33 this morning - outside?

Just got up - coffee is ready - nice and warm - we are fine - more later - Love,   MOM