Even Amy Klobuchar Would be a Better Dem Candidate than Joe Biden right now...
More energetic, less baggage. (she has something about... a comb. He's got all those documents about China and Ukraine on Hunter's laptop, and Hunter himself. That's baggage.)
I really wonder: if all the D's that were running in the primaries this time 3 years ago, and posting some modestly respectable numbers as they made a name for themselves... I wonder if, when they all agreed to fall on their swords and unite behind ...an OldWhiteGuyEstablishmentWashingtonDCPolitician WhoWasInOnTheDCGameForYearsAndYearsSupportedTheBushCheneyWarsEven ...
I wonder if all those candidates realized they were surrendering their party not just for 4 years, but were committing to supporting SlowOldJoe in the next 4 years too?
Almost a decade, reinforcing the WhiteMaleConnection power system of the past, at a time the country was crying for CHANGE, real change, here on the ground, where so many lives are affected -- newcomers and traditional Americans -- by the financial crunch in this country as more and more people "compete" for less and less resources...
and the Wealthy continue to rack up more than they know what to do with.
I like to think: had those candidates known that a Biden presidency would set the party back for a decade, and take the focus off the future and back onto the DC dinosaurs... they would not have agreed to nobly drop out of the race, but would have continued on, competing honestly with all they had.
We "give" things to the OldWhiteBoys ((and the younger ones like them coming up too, with "connection"...)) Then we decry the power they artificially have over us.
If we don't fight for our place within our own tribes though, it's no wonder these types keep "winning." In other fields, it's called "eating your seed corn" or "the sow eating her farrow".
I was wrong to think the Democratic party could effectively team up, under Joe Biden as a leader and look out for all the people in the party's interests. Gail Collins' column today opened my eyes: the liberals are only too willing to scapegoat and sell out the weaker/smaller members of the party -- the tran people, the poors, the non-connected minorities -- to GET TRUMP!
They hate him so bad, they are willing to sacrifice real human beings in our own country to elect Ron DeSantis to keep him out of office. Today was the first day I realized: Ron DeSantis really is going to be our next president, unless some new people get into the race...
The polls are unbelievable -- a lot of people are lying and saying they support Trump, I suspect. And even if he did get in, the media will spend another 4 years manufacturing "scandals" to keep him down, no matter what it costs the country...
Joe Biden cannot win, if he caves on the debt ceiling. If he keeps us in Ukraine. If he continues to refuse to address the future of the fraying Social Safety net for American workers and citizens...
I have time to prepare, but you read it hear: a lot of White Boomers view DeSantis like Collins does: Devout Catholic, family man, military "service", executive leadership... out to get those queerdo pedophiles who are after America's children!
If people like Gail Collins can support a man like that, and do not see through the evil facade he has planned for the country... what do you think the White MEN who consider themselves Catholic and conservative think? God help us all, but especially the scapegoats. It's not the Jews, or the WhiteWomen they are coming for here...
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