Friday, May 19

Give It Up to a Higher Power!

Have a wonderful weekend friends...
Think on these things:
Governments aren’t like people. If death and taxes are the only sure things in life, well, death isn’t an issue for governments, and taxes are an asset — a growing asset — rather than a liability.

Yeah, cuz when it comes to taxes, the government is the House -- they are the bank/they own the taxes.  If society is unbalanced economically, and there is no voluntary move for those at the top to reinvest in balancing things out via philanthropy to make society safer for all, the people have the power through their majority numbers ((even though they have not the majority of the economic capital)) to vote for a rebalance...

It makes sense.  Not to worry about how Ceasar will care for his society, because the population has power too and will have the civic knowledge to exercise it when pressure builds for societal changes...

Ok, I have food in the oven --  a lot.  That's a great way to start the weekend, really. Protein that you can eat cold later. 

Just about every economist will reply that it’s misleading to make an analogy between household and government finances. But it seems to me that we often aren’t clear enough about why, perhaps because we don’t say it bluntly enough. So here’s the difference: You are going to get old and eventually die. The government isn’t.


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