Stop the Surge.
Adams Weakens Right-to-Shelter Rules, Anticipating Migrant Surge
Saying New York City had “reached our limit,” Mayor Eric Adams said it would loosen regulations that have protected homeless people seeking shelter in the city.
It's just inhumane to keep packing people in, when we've run out of places to shelter them. It's like Andersonville at this point. Trump got that right. The immigration crisis should have been addressed in this country years ago. Because Congress abdicated its role, local and state governments -- schools and police and social agencies -- for years have had to step up, financially in the most affected states and municipalities.
Now, the state and local authorities are admitting they can't do much anymore. The numbers are simply overwhelming...
So it's up to the American people themselves now, to work with diminishing resources to build community and care for their vulnerables -- elderly, children, females with dependents. mentally ill, disabled, impaired veterans, etc.
So people are taking the Law into their own hands: grabbing what they can for their own, and acting heedlessly to "protect" others from what our negligence has created.
When will the politicians understand that so many of these social issues are inter-connected? And the military, and the billions we spend on "protection" of our people is failing us here at home, as we're all kinda being encouraged to hunker down, peel off from the community for safety, and look out for number one...
Is that America still? Number one? The people pouring in to access the opportunities in the communities earlier Americans collectively built here still think so. With or without the executive branch leading them, Congress will have to do its job later rather than sooner, but make no mistake: It's their job that's been neglected for decades now.
Bipartisan neglect.
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