Friday, June 30

Sophomoric Humor.

Either all the gay people at the NYT are on holiday*, or they have effectively silenced the voice of common sense inside the once-respected paper.  I like funny as much as the next guy, but this is college-newspaper humor -- in the conservative campus 'zine, not even the student daily...   


To celebrate Pride, we’ve developed extra fruity trees that can’t bear their own fruit but are just as valid as fruit-bearing trees.

* They really should have stopped with the Barbie Dream-House exclusive, and called it a month. This really isn't as funny a feature as whomever sold them on it.  Really.  What's next? Fart jokes? Gape graphics? Who are you really targeting here? Not the corporations, friends...  (Look at how the Times has pandered by running "throuple" stories and deviant disclaimers about the community all month long as part of their "contribution."  No thanks. You're not helping, you're harming by piling fuel on the fire.  Same as America is doing in Ukraine...  Take care the conflagration doesn't one day blow back on you or yours, NYT elite...)

Dairy Queen

This month only, we aren’t Dairy Queen; we’re Dairy Drag Queen! Get your sloppy toppings all June at a D.Q.I.A.+ near you. Each order comes with a free Harvey Milkshake of your choosing.


This June, Carhartt is celebrating the L.G.B.T.Q. kink community with canvas trousers, boots and outerwear that have even more loops and straps, for all the tools of your trade.

* Let's piss off more regular Americans who use these products, and blame it on the gays!  Ain't that funny... *hoot hoot* --  I work at the NYT.  Dividing the nation is what we do, keeps us empowered...  #DeSatan for Prez! heh heh


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