Sunday, July 2

Forgive, forgive, forgive, and when you think you're done?

 Forgive some more...

I have seen the iron claw of grief scrape out the insides of mourners, grip their windpipes, blind their eyes so that they cannot accept the mercy of people or of God.

Even if they don't deserve it. 

(Maybe most especially then, because YOU deserve the peace that comes with forgiveness, and it will stop eating your insides whatever was done to you...)


* People are all sinners. Every one of us, by acts of omission, as well as what we choose to do.  What amazes me often are the Church people who don't understand that sinners in their times of need are the one most in need of our prayers, even if they're undeserving or un-asked for even. We pray their hard hearts are open to receiving the good news, because it is.

God doesn't hate us, no matter what some here preach.  Sinners are loved more, I think, by our Father (*not because He invites us to State dinners to show us off to the crowds or lean on us as needed) because he looks at how far we've run already in our races...

He counts the distances covered on our own two, nevermind the passenger jets/trains/automobiles carrying us everywhere, onto our next "experience", once we've mastered this or that, and checked all the boxes we think count...

God is Love. 


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