Saturday, July 1

"For He Was a Racist..."

"Britain dodged a bullet when King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, for he was a racist who was soft on Nazism, especially because he lived a long life, dying only in 1972. The United Kingdom hit the jackpot with Queen Elizabeth II and seems to have relatively reliable heirs in the form of King Charles and Prince William."


Lolol.  Um, maybe he lived that long BECAUSE he abdicated and lived a softer, gentler life?  He hardly had to shift for himself.  You understand that, Mr. Kristof, correct?

* Tell me you haven't been following the character studies of King Charles "I'd like to be a tampon in you" and his son/wife, "Will your boy be brown, Harold, when he emerges?"

Oy.  Cringeworthy like the stilted writing, telling us their spin, not showing us what we know:  "For he was a racist."


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