Monday, July 31

Tell me you are out-of-touch with the American people without telling me you are out of touch with the American people.

I think it’s the same with Hunter Biden — the House Republicans may be trying to make him a big campaign issue, but voters mostly don’t care.

Poor Gail Collins.
She must live in a wine-drenched bubble of liberals.
News Flash:  NOBODY in this country likes Hunter Biden, outside of the DC media dinosaurs that likely remember him as the cute obnoxious little boy who with his brother lost their mother and little sister in a car accident... (boo hoo)  You really can ride a sob story a long way in America, but not forever...

Neither Democrats nor Republicans support spending America's Future "defending" Ukraine, much less attacking Russia.  And the more the national media refuses to investigate what the connections are between the Biden Business dealings in Ukraine between the period he left office as Obama's vice president when Russia had "invaded" the first time and election results were "overthown" to install Zelensky, the more the American people are suspicious of the Biden background in Washington...

Change is coming, because the media does not understand that Donald Trump is not directing the social unrest here at home that many Americans believe cannot be endlessly supported.  We see what is coming in this country, even if the "leaders" and media people don't.

If for all the talk of justice and peace, we still tolerate people like Hunter Biden being seated at hour national dinners, allegedly bringing cocaine into our White House, and making business deals with global leaders that essentially sell out America's military and taxpayer, well send the whole clan packing already.

We want Change, stop trying to prevent it and protect the boys and girls of those who have simply been in power too long and have saddled the rest of us with their costs.

Voters care about Hunter Biden, Gail and Bret.  I know it's a "closed conversation" but you two need to Wake Up already!

Bret: I bet plenty of voters would like to know how the extended Biden family raked in $17 million from foreign sources between 2014 and 2019, as a whistle-blowing I.R.S. agent testified. This was a period that seems to have coincided with Hunter’s crack binges. Just what expert services was he providing for that kind of income? Glassblowing?

Gail: Well, we’re not gonna resolve every part of this today. Always enjoy having a Hunter fight with you, Bret, and we’ll undoubtedly turn back to this subject. But let’s move on to Congress. Lots to discuss there.

Gail Collins exemplifies what is wrong with the Democratic Party today. When confronted with wrongdoing, they turn away and never address the crimes of their own party. Think Chappaquiddick and realize nothing much has changed since then...

The people making money "at the top" like Collins does, will always make excuses for the boys, and girls, at the top who cost the country, and force the little people at the bottom to pay.  Whether it's war, affairs, busted business deals... somebody else is always forced to pay while the "leaders" go about their merry way.

When Biden's pull out of Afghanistan cost lives -- good lives of solid youngsters coming up -- we saw who he was.  Many of us vowed we'd never vote for that again, what a bad look for America.  Now... we're fully entrenched in Ukraine and it will likely take us decades to get us out, and make no mistake:  the American military and the poor fools still enlisting today will likely be called upon in future administrations to sacrifice for a country not their own...

Gail Collins won't be around to address their deaths.  And she's too blinded in her old age already to realize that decisions being made this summer -- will affect the future of her country.  The boomers were never taught consequences like that, were never asked to pay for their own mistakes.  The American children who came up in the wake of the Holocaust and World War were likely the most sheltered generation in America.  They're not leaders.  They only understand throwing money at problems and hoping America can buy off the best...

The world doesn't always work that way though.  Americans won't go down without a fight.  Ms. Collins doesn't really understand American men or American history, for all the presidential trivia she is always serving up about how many dogs this one owned in office, or how many mistresses this one had and how the country tee-heed him while in office.

She's gonna need protecting from what's coming in her old age, I suspect.  Hopefully she's laying up a good cellar of wine... Or maybe Mr. Stephens will treat from whereever in the world he ends up when the unrest simmers down. 


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