"Time to Retire, Dad."
Mitch McConnell's family, like Joe Biden's, are doing him no favors. The nation doesn't need their service anymore. Stop pretending it's that, please.
The more I read about people like this in DC today, the more I wonder about their families. And the more respect I have for Sandra Day O'Connor. I bet she had a healthy day where-ever she is today. She did right by her family too, so surely there is peace in knowing that.
Even John McCain should have called it a day and stumbled back to the Arizona ranch after he first had the surgeries removed from his face... Imagine how much more forward-looking our country would be today if more men had faith in their sons and daughters, and realized the Future is coming and and they're just too old to be in charge of things anymore.
Who really profits off a system rigged like this? Men like Ron DeSantis and girls like Megan McCain, that's who...
Change is coming. Get your priorities in order, Washington people. Choose Life. (*your own!))
Mitch McConnell Suffers an Episode at the Capitol, Freezing Midsentence
The 81-year-old Senate Republican leader, who had a serious fall earlier
this year, was temporarily unable to speak during a news conference,
raising questions about his health and future.
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