Wednesday, August 23


 Are they seriously assigning newborns bathroom designations at birth now?

According to the board’s proposal, colleges will be forced to fire employees who twice use a bathroom other than the one assigned to their sex at birth, despite being asked to leave.

So glad I live in Minnesota. We don't do that here.

Also, will they require bathroom cams to enforce the "two strikes and you're out!" rule?  Seems unconstitutional to dismiss an employee for needing to relieve themselves at the workplace during an 8-hour shift, assuming some college workers indeed put in a full day at work.

Also, is it wise to send people presenting as men into the ladies' rooms, do you think?  That might scare some co-eds.  And you'd hate to see violence done to women in the mens' rooms.  The state would likely face lawsuits should that happen.  They are going to have to unroll a tolerance campaign to teach students and staff that the law forces men into womens' rooms, and women into mens' rooms, which I thought was exactly the problem we all were trying to avoid... (?) What am I missing here?  It's just a political stunt, unworkable in the real world, right?

We don't vote for people here with unworkable ideas who are just using them to divide us.  This "bathroom banning" fad is never going to survive real-world exposure...

(Florida simply doesn't have enought gender-neutral, single-sex bathrooms in their older buildings to make this one even remotely plausible.  This law too will get struck down.  People have the right to pee, the Supreme Court already ruled.)


* Bathroom visits should be like wars:   get in, do your own business, get out.  Don't politicize, prolong or escalate for personal purposes.


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