Tuesday, August 20

It's the War Timing...

 coinciding with America's national election in November. Bibi Netanyahu has given no indication he will end his international killing spree anytime soon to benefit the American politicians who reward him with billions every time he gets his country into another inextractable mess.

I know that AIPAC still controls a lot of political representatives in America, and many of the most weasely Congress critters are still in power after decades serving their own interests, but... I think Farah Stockman is wrong here.

Nothing ever changes until... it does.  Remember all those who pooh poohed gay marriage, telling us, Wait wait, it's just not time.  The public acceptance isn't there. The legislatures, not the courts, must go state by state by state protecting civil rights for all.

Then it happened, hahaha.

The American people as a whole do not support Bibi Netanyahu nor Israel's military gambles, which clearly are losing moves made by a desperate people with an unstable leader.

The day the  IDF shot dead three shirtless Israeli men, "surrendering" to their own under a white flag, was telling.  It's incompetency gone wild.  A military with nobody shooting back at it beating its chest and upping the deathcount against unarmed civilians.  With weapons provided from the outside, by another stronger larger independent country that was not gifted its existence via a faulty title from the Brits.

If Israel has to kill all of the neighboring children in countries that ring its borders to insure its survival, it will not last long... America can not protect Israel from itself indefinitely.  These are not military strategists, and I don't care if you dress the whole country up in fatigues and give them the best American weapons in the world, they won't be military strategists. They don't play by the rules of war, which are created to protect civilians like those in Israel who are essentially sitting ducks now...

Let's hope Ms Stockman is wrong, and the US finally is strong enough to help Israel by voting in new political faces who engaging in a bit of tough love and encouraging Israel to become and independent democracy that respects its own citizens as well as those people in neighboring countries.

I pray God doesn't smite them again for their deadly actions in not keeping His Word, and coveting the land over the people of Israel.  Let's vote on it?