Friday, August 2

The American People Do Not Want War Against the Iranian People...

The Israelis under Netanyahu might want a war against Iran though (on the US taxpayer tab), but it's certainly not in America's national security interests nor is Israel a powerful enough ally to justify continuing endless warfare on her behalf.  The answer to the Israel problem will not come via military might...  There's not enough weapons in the world to secure borders, foster love and respect among neighbors, or win the peace.

Men like NYT columnists Tom Friedman might mean well, but it's not his world war anymore.  Peace belongs to the people of the future, and the people of the past who have been fueling this conflagration have played their roles.  This is where we're at today:   a rudderless US with no current competent leadership.  

Which is why if the current tit-for-tat conflict between Israel and Iran and Iran’s proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis) escalates into a full-scale war — one that Israel could not fight for very long alone — President Biden could face the most fateful decision of his presidency: whether to go to war with Iran, alongside Israel, and take out Tehran’s nuclear program, which is the keystone of Iran’s strategic network in the region.

Do you honestly think this commander-in-chief will cajole the American people into sending more of our resources needed for housing and education here at home to support the Israeli settlers intent on securing all of the land God promised to them while disregarding the humanitarian needs of the innocent Palestinian people who simply want to survive?

Americans might have bought into globalism, but we did not sign on to stand with an ally that believes assassinations on foreign soil are applauded (look at how close we almost came to losing a former president here at home...);  our soldiers are not conditioned to kill children to justify our nation's survival (nobody publicly cheered My Lai);  we in America can look 10 years into the future and ... if we do this right... know we will not be living in a segregated country where some citizen/workers ethnicity affords them more rights than others.

We need to clean up our own citizenship rosters here in the US -- start seeing the people who work to keep our society running -- and spend less money on trying to kill our way to peace and prosperity.  The Israeli people are strong... they will survive without US interventions.  They always have. America should not be bankrolling all the wars Israel things are needed, that actually are wiping out any future the religious homeland has in the 21st century...

Israel needs to emulate American democracy -- we've been at this awhile and our Constitutution and Bill of Rights are the world's envy.  Instead, the corrupt US politicians have us emulating Israel's actions in making the US a more militaristic, freedom-limited state.  We've warred enough in the Middle East, taking loss after loss with no significant win...

Better to stop making war refugees and encouraging our allies, enemies and fellow neutral countries to keep at the brain work, not encouraging women to produce more war fodder for the sad world shaping up to come.  Men like JD Vance, Ross Douthat, Matt Walsh -- they will father the next generation of soldiers, but we really should not assumer those children will carry our their father's warrior wishes either at such a cost to US taxpayers and citizens who want to live in a safe and peaceful world for all.

Maybe it's time for Bibi Netanyahu to be eliminated, politically or otherwise, if he continues causing the deaths of so many innocents in the Middle East, especially the children?  They are the future, even if our male elders today are determined to "burn it all down" because their own days are numbered and they can not see a life beyond their own death.

We in America still can.  We're a God-loving people like that. And we are also covenant people, meaning we don't think God favors this ethnicity or that, but loves us all.  The sinners, the queerdos, the heros, the workers, the soldiers and the politicians too.  If only we could work together and understand that unity and working together are better for the world than trying to kill off what we do not like to achieve some past story of glory instead of adapting to the way the world is and trying to evolve our attitudes to actually survive...