Saturday, June 25

It was a dark, stormy night...

There were thunderclaps late in the evening, that broke my slumber and reminded me to get outside and roll the windows all the way up before the rain came. (Another good thing about summer: parking right in front of the building.) On the way inside, I passed my mailbox that hadn't been checked in a few days. Lo and behold, the job offer! Starting Tuesday, July 5.

So this morning, I drove around sipping my latte (when in Madison...) and checking out rental signs in other neighborhoods. Then I called the family and friends. Now, I'm going to type up an amendment to my WI bar application, which finally got submitted a few weeks ago. Here I thought I was the last one, since most of my classmates got sworn in a week ago, but on the deadline day I did share an elevator up with a classmate who is studying now for the MD bar. I'm hoping to be official by late November, but the amendments wait...


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