Tuesday, November 16

$3 billion for 3-month building moratoriam* ...

... with East Jerusalem excluded.

(* which calculates out to $33.3 million per day, if you're doing the math...)

And $150 million in a lump sum to the impoverished and landlocked Palestinians, with no free ports of their own for exports, to help them build a future state.

Tell me,
do you think Hillary Clinton is a good negotiator on behalf of the United States, or perhaps she is thinking more of her own future political prospects -- and that of her offspring? -- in getting in good with the Netanyahu administration?

$3 billion, for only 3 months of waiting and keeping the bulldozers on the ground, grounded? What a great money-maker. We don't negotiate with Somali pirates for their bad behavior, but we reward extremist Israeli settlers for deliberately provoking problems to the peace process...

I wonder what they'll ask for demand next, in pursuing their birthright to the land that G-d promised them? Do you think those extremists will ever compromise? Will anyone -- internally or the purse-bearers -- ever effectively stand up to their unrealistic delusions? Or by then, when we realize the scope of the threat their beliefs pose, will it be too late?

ADDED: Mark F. in the comments section:
November 15, 2010 at 1:57 pm

I used to sell hifi in the 80s and they taught us a sales technique to reduce the cost down to a daily or monthly amount. The technique was called “Reduction to Rediculous”. Pretty fitting I’d say.

We must have the word “Charms” tatooed on our foreheads. Freeze for 90 days, take the money, then resume building, rinse, and repeat.