He sucks at his job.
Can reasonable people all agree on that at least, or do we have to be PC and clap the fella on the back, for "trying", and "doing the best he can", and ... making his career one of "public service", even if the public he's being paid to serve, at a fat handsome salary I'm sure, thinks the man ought to be out on his hiney after his performance in recent years?
I'm sure he loves his country too.
Whether he is right or wrong, Bernanke loves his country as much as Perry does and has devoted himself to doing his best to honor and protect it.
Only weeks after Gabby Giffords returned to the House floor for the first time, Perry has no business making jokes about treating public officials "pretty ugly down in Texas," much less suggesting that they could be guilty of betraying our country. This is irresponsible talk, no better than hate speech, and while Perry has a right to say it, the rest of us — Republican and Democrat, moderate and conservative — have an obligation to condemn him for it. America has real enemies; the Fed chairman is not one of them.
Save that anger and treasonous talk for the "terrorist Tea Partiers", the latest nugget of all-American goodness fresh out of the mouth of that crazy-old Uncle VP Joe Biden, the one with the lampshade on his head at all the gatherings. He's harmless enough, and remember: the first wife and kids died in a tragic auto crash, so he gets a pass for his verbal guffaws, nice clean white man that he is...
So, Tea Party = terrorist,
and don't you dare question the quality of the job work our boy Ben Bernanke is turning it! Don't go there! He's an untouchable public servant, you know. Just a few more years, he's bound to turn up a plan that works for the country some day soon... just give the boy a little more time. He eats all his peas, combs his beard, and is a nice man. Probably has a family to support too. Thank heavens for public servants like him, else we'd have those budget-driven Tea Party wackos in control, eh Suze ?
Based on his comments in Iowa, Perry may be a crowd pleaser, but he is not ready for prime time, let alone the presidency. Shame on him.
If he is the best the Republicans have to offer — the new frontrunner as some are saying — then his party is cruising for a bruising.
Mmmm ... like Hil in Libya, it's kinda exciting when the ladies who lunch talk tough. Rawr!
Cruising for a bruising, Ricky. She must have the pants scared off ya already! Nevermind mild-mannered Mitt -- the ladies respond most strongly to the size of the Macho in the man, dontchaknow?
"This guy" is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. You might agree with his policy of keeping interest rates at record lows in the hopes of stimulating the economy. Or you might disagree, or worry about inflationary pressure, or be concerned that such low interest rates interfere with the operation of the markets. Reasonable people can disagree about these things.It's like a strong-man's spell ... and the lady reporters are required to submit. His hair (!), his verbiage... they simply can't help themselves. (hint: I'd guess a good proportion of Americans would agree with Perry: just printing up more dollars, because we can, to "fix" the fiscal crisis, to paper over our problems ... well that makes about as much sense as encouraging consumers to spend willy-nilly, again, on products they don't need and can't afford, just to stimulate the economy and get the "demand" artificially boosted again. Creata another Clinton bubble, and let the people 20 - 50 years down the line worry about the consequences and pay for it. Boomers be gone by then!)
Paul, who has called for the abolition of the Fed and who has been pressing the issue far longer than Perry, said only half in jest, "He makes me look like a moderate. I have never once said Bernanke has committed treason."
Let the record be clear: Bernanke was appointed to his position by former President (and Texas Gov.) George W. Bush.
Questioning the patriotism of someone you disagree with on policy grounds may be good politics for Perry in the short run; the crowd cheered, and the press is writing.
Nope, if we don't need it, have no long-term way of paying for it, and can't affort it ... today! ... just say no! There's too much market uncertainty as it is, and who knows how long even the grocery prices can stay low (especially if we fix the illegal labor problem, and make a major gas tax to heighten the costs of shipping to market.)
But I'm sure Mr. Beranke has all of us in his heart, helping him continue to make good decisions on behalf of the rest of us working out here, who are increasingly become ensnared -- through no fault of our own -- in his fiscal mechanizations and market "fixes" and federal guaranteed entitlement plans that seem (shh... don't tell Susan) to have unwisely crippled the market and the economy for the past cycles.
Is that polite enough to observe? He sucks at his job. Golden parachute, media cheerleaders preaching irrational exuberance and all....
Nope, no trophy just for trying. Not in these leagues, man. Ya gotta actually ... perform.
And that's not treasonous to say.
Just basic common sense. The buck's gotta stop ... somewhere, no?
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