Tuesday, October 18

Yo Hillary?

How'z about dropping in on some AMERICAN cities to offer aid packages? We got cute needy kids here too, so why not pull our influence out of Libya -- you've done enough to help, really -- and start concentrating on the American problems here at home for a bit? Afterall, nobody likes to promise killing a strongman. Because, when Iran does it to the Saudi diplomats say, it's kinda hard to act outraged anymore...

Clinton in Libya to offer new aid package

TRIPOLI, Libya —
The Obama administration offered millions of dollars in new aid to Libya as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton encouraged the country's unsteady new leadership to commit to a democratic future free of retribution, and acknowledged in unusually blunt terms that the United States would like to see former dictator Moammar Gadhafi dead.

"We hope he can be captured or killed soon so that you don't have to fear him any longer," Clinton told students and others at a town hall-style gathering in the capital city.

Until now, the U.S. has generally avoided saying that Gadhafi should be killed.
The new aid package includes medical aid for wounded fighters and additional assistance to secure weaponry that many fear could fall into the hands of terrorists. Aides said the money is meant partly as a pledge to ongoing U.S. support during what will be a difficult passage to free elections and a new government after four decades of dictatorship.

"Now the hard part begins," Clinton said, heading into a meeting with the transitional leaders.

What? Deciding how to spend American taxpayer money to build up a broken country that posed no security threat to the States? Sometimes, they really do reveal the depth of their cluelessness, these fancy, well-to-do professional women...

Howz-about taking up ... philanthropy? You know, a nice cozy private-sector job, where you can promise killings, and make presents, all on the donated dime? Yes, it indeed is coming to that.
Some of the new medical assistance announced Tuesday would go to help evacuate seriously wounded fighters who need medical care aboard. Clinton saw dozens of such fighters as she entered the hospital.

U.S. officials said there have been about 15,000 wounded during the conflict so far, about 1,500 of whom are now amputees and require specialized care that is not available in Libya.
Also as part of the new aid package, the U.S. will re-launch several educational programs, including Fulbright scholarships and English language training, and help fund an archaeological project that will survey eastern Libya, the officials said. In addition, they said Clinton will be stressing the importance of good governance, inclusion, democratization and diversifying Libya's economy so it no longer is almost entirely dependent on oil revenue.
Clinton is the most senior American official to visit Libya since the uprising against Gadhafi began in February and only the second secretary of state to visit in the past 50 years. The last secretary of state to visit was Condoleezza Rice, who traveled to Tripoli in 2008 and met with Gadhafi after relations between the U.S. and Libya were restored.

Remember too, diplomacy is cheaper than war.
Less disabled amputees to support long term and all...

ADDED: This photo ... it's sad really. "Clap your hands for cash, men! (Now wave really pretty-like, soldier boys!)"

ADDED: See this comments thread. Great minds, American minds, think alike...
Whether it is comparatively small as aid packages go is somewhat irrelevant since the symbolism carries more weight than the actual dollar amount. The Administration is offering aid to a government/group of rebels of whom we don't know what their true goals or political character is. If the Administration knows more than we do, then at the very least they are dispersing funds for something Americans have little knowledge of whether it's going to a good cause or not.

Sometimes it is best to remain on the sidelines and take a wait and see approach. When the new "government" in Libya proves itself to be a worthy recipient of American aid, then and only then should we dump money into that country. Under the current circumstances however, it's as if we are gambling with dollars at a casino of foreign policy; we may win, but we may lose. Considering the economy we're in, and the proclivity of many in that region to be suspicious of American influence, the visit by the Secretary of State and her announcement on an aid package seems irresponsible and premature.

with all my respect to secretary clinton, america needs more help than any other country, maybe the government should focus on helping jobless and hungry americans than focusing on spending billions to overseas countries. It needs to stop now. Secretary clinton and other politicians focus on overseas aid and send our troops all over the world. They need to focus more on helping the american people. Its time to wake up, we are going down the drain and no one seems to care.

One more in the "they just don't get it" department:
Before the US/NATO freedom and democracy bombs Libyans had $160 billion in cash assets, $6 billion in Gold, free health care and education, subsidized housing and cars, no income tax, usury illegal, interest free loans and the highest standard of living in Africa.

Imagine if Americans had that sort of living ?

The aid package breakdown sources in America:
25% from public schools
25% from roads and infrastructure
25% from union jobs sent overseas or remain in America at slave wages
25% from what is left of the middle class
00% from the 1% of the population that owns or controls over 35% of the total wealth of this nation.