Betcha Gun Sales are Up this Week...
One unintended consequence of trying to panic the nation for political and economic ends... it makes the elections in a democracy irrelevant really. Everyone will want to survive, and if we are all indeed doomed -- as the media is telling us -- and economic end times are here, once again, I think some men will choose to go down fighting, not just sitting back and waiting to die at government hands. Or their own.
Just a hunch. You'd hate to see those suicide rates go up further, especially if the "We're all gonna die!" panic here at home is artificially induced and people are being encouraged to deliberately withdraw from their social networks and isolate.
I just don't see this financial panic ending well, even when it turns out the numbers of dead here in America are not the same as China or Italy, and most healthy people's immune systems can process this new virus in days, with effects much like a common cold or flu bug.
Where are the Americans dying in the street, flooding the ER rooms, and overwhelming the ICU units? Weren't we promised last week that we'd be seeing those numbers in another week or two? Are Americans really that good, or did the numbers people simply overestimate and panic... again?
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