Thursday, July 2

Happy 4th of July Then...

From the younger, woker, newfound oppressed  at the New York Times.  (Don't let me see you black or blown people smiling and celebrating and thinking you are free!  And you woke whites better not be having a good time either!)

The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom.

This weekend we celebrate the creation of the United States, though that project remains substantially incomplete. This year of crises has underscored the distance between the lofty rhetoric of our founding documents and the persistent inequalities of American life. This nation began as a set of promises that it has yet to keep.

Millions of Americans, especially Black and Hispanic Americans, lack the economic security that makes other freedoms meaningful — and they are denied the opportunity to improve their lives.