ADDED: Yes, they mean well, but being sheltered and educated only with other upper-upper-class people by themselves -- and handpicked special victims who have won the sob-story essay contest, chosen to represent the rainbow of diversity, to expose the "legacy" students to, and who are given a scholarship "hand up" -- gives them the wrong idea of what America is really about.
Military service -- mixing the classes and regions -- used to help us better understand our differences make us stronger and allow us to complement each other. But the poor rich kids today don't take advantage of that truly diverse "mixing" opportunity to serve their country as enlisted men or even officers. Those that do -- the McCain and Biden boys, say -- I think always understand they are special... They are serving for themselves and what the credential can do for their future business and political prospects, I suspect.
But compared to the educated elite that is now controlling our media outlets, there are so many more "everyday Americans" living in slowly integrating neighborhoods (Slow is good! It means old traditions hold, which is exactly why, of course, some newcomers buy into an area... They like life there, and want to contribute and share in it and of it, themselves.) That's equality, no special selection or admissions based on the superior-inferior dynamic. When the metrics you are measuring on do not award sympathy points, everyone understands how they got there is legit. No one "gifted" the spot to another; everyone paid their dues to work their way in, based on neutral performance measures... That's much much closer to equality than special selection measures, all controlled by the elites. Who allege to have the country's best interests at heart, of course, an assumption that relies on the underlying superiority of the "choosers" who have inherited their positions of power from those white men who came before...
Think of how we started the century in America, with the Court effectively intervening in Florida's election laws to help install George W. Bush as America's president. His actions, and the consequences of putting an unqualified son of privileged elite into such a position of power, took us to new lows from which we are still trying to escape. The war years, the economic cratering, the continued economic inequality... we shall overcome, but it takes time. And we will need to change our affirmative-action ways to open up more slots to true competitors, who have the skills and drive to get the work done, not those who can complain their way up and in...
America too will outlast these young people who still have so much left to learn if only they would stop preaching the wokeness doctrine of oppression dogma and simply open their eyes to the unconstrained, unmanaged life around them... Freedom always exists for those who dare take the wilder, less manicured roads.
Natural growth is good! Introducing other species into American places is not "invasive", it can be a healthy growth... providing shade and comfort to many. No need to cut down the trees to expand the forest or the preferred growth. That's like feeding feral animals unnaturally, to help them hunt the unfed prey relying on their own skills to eat out there. Trust me: predators do not need your "help" to survive. Just let it play out, no interference from above needed...
Freedom isn't free, and that's not a "shock and awe, shoot em up" military fantasy appropriate for a trite bumper-sticker slogan.
Do the work. America remains competitive, despite the law-breaking, rule-bending, and special exceptions that the woke would tell us are necessary for some to advance in society...
And for those who respect the law, and understand the need for order and predictability, responsibility and stability, it really is still the best place on Earth. God bless, and have a safe and free Fourth! Everyone. The angry wealthy sheltered children of privilege, and the ones they've collected in under their umbrella, too!
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