Monday, July 12

First Haiti, Now Cuba...

 Just when America is allegedly experiencing a low-skill labor shortage... here come the refugees, ready and willing to help.  Wet foot/dry foot.  Living on Singer Island in the early 90s, it was amazing some of the crafts people built and maneuvered to come to America.  Literally inner tubes, boards, and plastic baskets.  You'd hear the helicopters overhead with the searchlights the nights they came in, and locals the next day looking at what had washed up that they had ridden in on...

I hope the Biden administration is ready.  Whoever or whatever is fomenting these new crises (some say US intelligence agencies are involved;  after the Steele Dossier, who knows what those folks are being fed), I don't think they're going away.

Hopefully Biden and his Congress are prepared.  No matter the media spin, I doubt many Americans of any identity group are going to want to absorb hundreds or thousands just when Americans are getting used to the socialism payout programs ourselves.  We're not sharers, naturally.