Who Was Making All These Visa Promises Again?
Many Americans who served in Afghanistan will tell you they never trusted the local army they were allegedly working with to defeat Taliban. On our side, sure, but don't turn your back..
If these guys were allegedly working alongside America to build a free, democratic, kind and clean world where their women were equals and their children knew good health and prosperity, why the need for visas to leave such a utopia as the Bush/Cheney dreamers promised?
A cynic might say, those guys never had any intention to stay and fight, but saw the American soldiers as lessers, if they got American freedoms and a return ticket home, why not the Afghans -- who know they are better men, morally, than the Americans (remember there really is very little buy in that women and men share society, much less equal roles...even amongst the "liberated" Afghan former-fighters and translators, who know a stick of English to ask for help and claim of the rapes if they stay behind... -- who were doing much of the heavy lifting physically in the inferior position in the war. (Americans lead, Afghanis follow? White men lead brown and black? What a Western idea...)
Now read this:
Thousands of Afghans who helped the U.S. are trapped. What happens next?
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