This is when it gets ugly, friends...
Hell no, we won't go, indeed! Honestly, nobody saw this coming? If they refuse to voluntarily get in the buses to take them to the airport to fly them "home" to Haiti, how will we... convince them? What levels of force will be used to expel the migrants/invaders from American soil, where thousands remained camped under a bridge refusing to leave?
(I've seen local "dismantling" of the homeless camps here in the Cities when cold weather is approaching and authorities understand they have a duty to protect the people in these makeship homeless communities against the elements, drug use, and even occasional crimes and deaths in camp. It's not pretty. I suspect the Biden's are trying to figure a way to get this done with no media coverage or pictures at the scene. If the Haitian people push back, and physically fight back, refusing to be taken away, it will be an even bigger crisis. This is why Trump's policies -- harsh as they might have seemed -- was actually saving lives by refusing to deny reality and promote false hope to the poor and struggling. You can't buy bread with false promises, afterall.
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