Why Russia Will Likely Win the War...
Passion. They can't lose. America can. We can throw money at a problem, but the Ukrainians are expendable. Eventually, you will need more fodder. Will America send her own sons to fight? Doubtful. Is NATO strong enough to restock the Ukrainian army? Doubtful as well, for the same reasons.
It's not America's fight, no matter how much money we throw at growing the problem.
Again, look at a map.
Russia cannot afford to lose, and will go down fighting. America... not so much. We will have a civil war here at home, I suspect, before we head over in earnest to fight the Russians on their turf.
Everyone is remaining silent now, it seems: sure, throw more money at the problem, and send back some nice photos of destruction -- how we are helping. Tell us about the people who... got out. Tell us about those prospering. (No more dead and suffering civilians though. Our money is not going to see that.)
In time, Russia will not be defeated, even as America is drained. They have more expendable bodies to keep restocking, and in the end, war is all about who is left standing, boots on the ground, fighting to the death...
We haven't known that spirit here in America... for a long time, let's leave it at that.
(We haven't had that spirit here since... 1969. Relax, said the Madman. We are... programmed to recede. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!" ~Eagles. Hotel California.)
I am kinda surprised the Boomers, who lived through all that, aren't speaking out against America mortgaging our futures on another futile war. (The ones with children coming up now, too. Maybe in years to come they will whine about what that money could have done at home, as our society begins to breakdown and split, becoming more dangerous here at home -- yes, even in your "safe spaces", friends.)
But then again, the ones who fought and died in Vietnam, and came home crippled physically and emotionally, are dying out now. It's the evaders who have given us leadership without character, acts without consequences, and attitude without the reality-based instruction needed to lead.
We're reaping what we've sowed and we're too stupid to look ahead and see what is coming, what is due us. Russia for the win, in 10 tops. We just won't be able to restock Ukraine with fighter fast enough, once the Big Guns go in and they start falling...
Whoever though escalating this regional conflict was a good idea will be taken out back and shot. But then again, look at their ages... They will likely -- the leaders dragging us into this one -- be dead of natural causes by then. (Joe, Nancy, Chuck, etc.) That's the perils of having the oldsters, with nothing to lose, in charge of war-making and throwing money "to fix" a problem.
I wish it weren't so, but you know it's true, if you take time from your lives today to consider where this one is headed. #YouBetterThink!
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