Wednesday, April 13

Work 24/7, New York, to Fix Your Subway Camera System.

That's Security 101. *

That's something you can do... today.

That's something you OWE all the workers today who are forced to board those trains this morning to get into jobs that need them, and that they need, to keep your city running...



*  That's what a blue-collar columnist would be writing about today, and the opinion pages would be blaring.  Imagine if the subway attacks had happened in Mike Royko's city.  Instead, the PC people running things tell us, the suspect had a "history of bigotry".  No mention of the man's race.

Who are you really protecting with this PC culture you promote?  Blaming the sale of guns is just not gonna cut it.  Thank GOD this assailant only carried a handgun, and it appears likely no one was killed.  He just showed the world though what would have happened if an assault rifle would have been introduced into that subway car of sitting ducks... almost as vulnerable as a kindergarten classroom, before we wised up and secured our schools.

Why not protect America's workers in kind?  What are we waiting for?  If we've got billions to help protect other countries, why can't we protect our own?  Aren't workers' lives worth it?
