Friday, July 14

Modern Day Rorschach

What do you see here?
"oh no!  Mr. Bill!"

( I think -- don't quote me -- it's meant for positivity, and the last panel shows amiguous genitalia for both sexes, with overlapping flag stripes too. (?) But to me... and I know we are all coming from our own places ... that panel looks like TheScream with the figure precariously balancing on shifting iceberg floes, a-la Eliza in Uncle Tom's Cabin. I like the colors. There's that... )
ADDED:  It's intenational bisexual non-binary day.  That's the tie-in!  (Like with a full moon, people, go get you some!, it sounds like everybody is included today in this category... (?))   Celebrate and educate, or with celebratation days so new like this... I guess educate, and if they're down, then celebrate today! 

(no, I'm not making this up;  I told you, I just read a lot...)