I Couldn't Place the Almost Gleeful Tone in the Media After Trump's Most Recent Inditement..
but now I know what it is I hear in the Democrats cheering this latest predicted downfall of a past political opponent.
Uncle SamJack Smith put your name at the top of his listand the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist and the eagle will fly ...Man, it's gonna be hell when you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell!And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on youBrought to you courtesy of the red white and blue"
* It's that gleeful "we're gonna kill you because we're big and all mighty and we can!" ugly American tone slipping into the nation's song of late... Not particularly attractive, America. Dumbbells use force over reason. It's a dumbbell move to threaten to imprison your former president; it's like attacking your own country from within... Trump didn't do that, no matter how many times the Dems charge him to protect the Biden/Harris ticket. If he had, they would have seized him and charged him on Jan. 7.
This is a political trial at its worst. Nobody wins but America's enemies at our wasting time and money putting on show trials and imprisonments. We're better than that. We're cheapening our system of justice, and trust me: Trump won't be the last politician criminally charged for political acts once we open this Pandora's box...
Too bad Jimmy Carter isn't around in full mind and body to had dissuaded the young pups in the party (the Baby Boomers -- haha) from pushing this prosecution to the brink. He didn't return the requested materials timely, and "colluded" with his personal staff to move boxes around... Wow, good thing they're not calling for the death penalty, eh?
And whew. We sure survived a popular revolution fomented by Donald on Jan. 6. Only the quick actions of the Capitol police kept the rioters from employing their semi-automatic weapons in breaching the building and from burning the building to the ground. They saved all the statues of the old white leaders iin the rotunda too, because surely the insurrectionists were gonna pull those down the way the U.S. military did the statues of Saddam under the Bush/Cheney-led U.S. invasion.
Good thing Jack Smith is going to put that criminal away for life, and protect our Capitol, eh? He's the true saviour of the nation here, and he hasn't even begun to fight! *flutter flutter*
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