Russia's and/or her allies would be justified attacking American ships now. We're financing Ukraine's war against Russia, and this isn't a defensive war anymore.
Don't cry too hard if American assets are attacked is all. This is the problem with America's undeclared wars -- plausible deniability because the Congress just wants to fund things, not do their jobs and declare the US all in, even though, of course we are...
And with the current president, and his son, mixed up in Ukrainian business dealings while the elder was temporarily out of political office between stints as the vice president and then the president of the United States, well if I was a country being attacked, I'd sure think America was my enemy.
Maybe an attack on a U.S. ship might wake U.S. voters up to the consequences of our shipping billions and billions to fight the Ruskies? We're in a hot war with Russia, people.
Don't be distracted by the sideshows in DC and the entertainment movies of the summer. It's a real war. With Russia. Not a cold one either...
Did YOU vote for this? I sure didn't. Let's send the Bidens packing and put some fresh eyes and muscle in DC? We can't keep fucking up and buying our way out of our messes, pushing the bills off on the Future Americans who aren't benefitting from the attacks on Russia finanacially...
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