Thursday, August 3

I Don't Think It Will Be Biden or Trump Taking Office in January 2025.

I just don't think the older people in power will be able to keep the natural order of things down for all that much longer.  Eventually, youth breaks through... when, I don't know, but it is coming...

*and by youth, I mean Youth, that raw power.  Not the people of a certain chronoglogical demographic who've been installed into the creaky old system "supporting" their elders and gaming the Old System they've come up in, even if they offer up all the right identity-politic markers...

I mean the Change-makers.  (what Barry spoke of, but wasn't fit to unstrap the sandals of the true Changemakers to come enter the government temples...)  You see, he too was one of those who came up with his grandparents' White privilege (not my choice of words, but his rules/his game) easing his own choomy childhood:  he "coasted" on other people's work his whole life, even as the people in power running this Old System helped him climb the ladder by sending for him in a classy elevator, up to their penthouses...

That's how he got there. He was cool like that, because nobody ever looked for his work to matter.  Not his high school or undergrad studies; not his non-publications as Law Review editor; not his community-building work on Chicago's South Side; not his career in the Illinois legislature or briefly as junior senator...

There was no Action behind his calls to action.  He was just having his people parrot other people's words...  Barack Obama wasn't real.  A great orator: laying out what is needed in this country, but not the man, not the person who could deliver what his words promised...

He was able to be cool, and play at featherweight level for so long, because he did NOT have to put forth any effort (his message was his work... he wanted to be Christ without the sacrifice of the cruxifiction, I always thought...) and confront the realities of a work-a-day world with the necessary compromises in reality -- or not -- as one century closed and a new one began...

Like a princely king from his newfound kingdom of Chicago, he simply bowed his head and assumed his role...  Many gifts were given to him.

That's the opposite of functional Diversity though:  rewarding those who come from other cultures who have observed how to elevate themselves under the rules at play using only their own efforts.  

Not "networkers", but doer's.  People of power via Pragmatism -- that ever-American philosophy.  

Real People, who are not "symbols" or products of reparations for past wrongdoing, but people who made their way up incrementally through fair competition when opportunitites are truly equalized.  

Most don't come to success so quickly, nor have so many overlapping "connections" family or institutionally.  Their successes may be smaller, but they are their own.

In short, even in DC, the Strongest survive.  Most often in life, for good reason, our best ideas and progress relies on society's youngest, and healthiest = physically strongest workers and wisest minds.  And no, I am not talking about the physical strength build artifiially in a gym, or choosing the healthiest meals others have prepared you off a menu, even if you are jetting about worldwide to purchase and consume only "the best".  As if you could buy it... and transfer it to your children, this life spirit ever marching on...

Yes, even in DC.  Change is coming... can't you smell it in the late summer air?


We're all breathing the same air in this country, afterall.  (even if somebody sold you a bubble and promised you otherwise. ;-)