Sunday, April 7

Actions Have Consequences. Own that, especially in Wartimes.

Here in America, people have the legal right to protest their government under the First Amendment.  Shame on the Democratic party for thinking they can install Joe Biden for another term if he does not represent the goals and national security interests of the American people.  

The NYT reports:

Protests over the Biden administration’s handling of the war are disrupting the activities of Democratic officials from city halls to Congress to the White House, complicating their ability to campaign — and, at times, govern — during a pivotal election year.  Mr. Biden successfully avoided a messy primary fight, facing no viable opposition within his party. But the Gaza conflict has stoked intraparty tensions nonetheless, raising Democratic concerns that a sustained movement protesting a war thousands of miles away could depress turnout at home in November.  

(It's not a "conflict", friends. Safe to call it a war on Gaza; we see what is happening there --  an undeclared war, not a lawn-mowing exercise -- even if the civilians are unarmed and unable to effectively fight back against America's powerful weapons) 

"If you are now organizing people to walk away from supporting the president, then you are now de facto supporting and helping Trump,” Senator John "Hoodie" Fetterman of Pennsylvania, a Democrat who has disappointed progressives with his unflinching support of Israel, said in an interview this past week. “If you’re going to play with fire that way, then you need to own the burn.”  

Many supporters of the Palestinian cause argue that Mr. Biden must earn their votes — and that the death toll and suffering in Gaza should transcend concerns about electoral politics.  

“With all of the political threats of Donald Trump in the horizon, it should tell you something about how deeply people feel about what’s happening,” said the Rev. Michael McBride, a founder of Black Church PAC who has pressed for a cease-fire.  

The national effort to pressure U.S. leaders to limit their support for Israel has focused almost exclusively on Democrats, with former President Donald J. Trump rarely — if ever — attracting significant criticism from pro-Palestinian demonstrators at his home or public appearances. 

You would never know by reading the Mainstream Media today:  Donald Trump is not the president now.  There was no war on Gaza with American weaponry when he left office, or his events likely would have been protested too.  

Currently, Trump has been politically necklaced with frivolous lawsuits:  did he pay off his mistress from years ago when Melania was busy with baby Barron? (Isn't that more a family matter, in the past now -- the mistress was paid; the wife stayed with her husband/the father of her child, much like the Clinton-Lewinsky "scandal" except Don treated his paramour better than Bill, who initially denied her and paid her nothing for her services... that occurred in the White House, while he was president..., than something deserving a lawsuit all these years later...?)  Did Trump leave classified documents in an unsecured location that matters more (a bathroom v. garage, say?)  Did a sexual assault that allegedly occurred decades ago before women were better trained to use their voices to "Just Say No!" timely to unwanted sexual contact, and to indicate when their game-playing turned into non-consent to sexual touchings really happen as the woman back then flatly said she was NOT raped, or do we believe her now?  The jury in the civil case believed her now, handsomely awarding her multiple-millions for her sexual assault in those days gone by, whenever it was... She doesn't know what she will do with all her legal winnings. "Only in America.")

Let's try to prioritize the true needs of the American people instead of gunning for the past president, and promising the current president another term despite what American voters think of his wartime performance(s)? 

Mr. Biden has increasingly taken a harder stance with Israel’s government, threatening on Thursday to condition future support on how it addresses civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Sign up for the Israel-Hamas War Briefing.  The latest news about the conflict. 

But he is still confronting fierce criticism...


 As the U.S. president and his party likely will all summer, leading up and into the Democratic national convention in August.*  Gird up, media and political people:  peaceful protests are how voters are heard in our nation.  That, and counting our votes.  I don't think turnout will be depressed necessarily, I do think less people will be counted as voting for the Biden-Harris ticket as we saw during the pandemic days of 2020.

For the same non-war reasons, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected in 2008:  Americans are demanding a change in our go-to-war-first approach (nevermind good-faith negotiations and respecting the sovereignty of other nations) that tries to convince our people here to worship the gun as the final arbiter of differences.

Just Say No, say the American people.  Just Say No to all that political nonsense, whether it's the Democratic party or the Republican party spewing it.  Change is gonna come... you better believe it.

* Not me protesting on the streets, of course. I observe safely from the sidelines, as a reader of both current events and history.  We saw people come out in the summer of 2020 to passionately push back against alleged injustices here at home, and those were for the deaths of a few unarmed men and women, some captured on videotape.  In Gaza, we are talking tens of thousands... don't you people read the news and understand American history (and human nature)?

It's good that we don't "go along to get along" and our young people have the ability to build their own futures in their country to be respected and invested in with the billions the Biden administration has chosen to create more wartime destruction via our military tools, depleting both our own manpower (not so many enlisting under this commander-in-chief, numbers say...) and our munitions/weaponry stock to defend ourselves if/when we are attacked again, as on September 11, 2001.  

War is hell -- don't the people continually pushing this on us remember that day?  And that was only one day of war on our own soil:  only three non-military planes that were successful in their attacks that strategically brought down those two towers and damaged the Pentagon, while costing so many families a loss of precious life with devastatingly cruel ripple effects outward from a singular show of violence , remember...

Let wiser minds prevail?  If not now, when?  If not US, who?  Riddle me that, Joe Biden defenders. 

Let's let a person in their 20s have the final say on the sad militaristic direction our own country has taken under Biden, perhaps the most physically weakest "strongman" in the history of wartime(s):

“A lot of people here, they’re tired of having to choose between what they feel is the lesser of two evils,” Ms. Johnson, 28, said as she joined the hundreds of protesters gathered outside the event. “What he’s doing doesn’t feel like the lesser of two evils to me. It feels like something very evil.”

Those politicians of both parties currently in political office would be wise to listen to these younger voters who allegedly helped put them there once upon a time, not shut their dissenting voices today out of the American political process...


ADDED:  I predict Chicago (Democratic convention) not Milwaukee (Republicans) will host the most protesters and see them on the streets, though Milwaukee will clearly draw additional business from the Dem convention too, as the cities are so close it will actually be easier to fly into Milwaukee than O'Hare or Midway and drive down.  Might be safer to stay in Milwaukee too for the Dem convention, come what may...

People are praying Mayor Brandon Johnson (literally, "Let's Go Brandon!") and the Chicago police forces are preparing now for the security challenges ahead.  Protect the police;  protect the protesters too.  I pray there is no loss of life on our own streets this summer due to political mishandling.... Don't you?

2h ago