Wednesday, August 21

June 2010

Well there's a blast from the past.  My gardens, river journeys, rural playgrounds...

#LifeIsGood   We've just got to wait out the Haters at the top now, grabbing for everything they can on their last chance power drives.  The boomers will not go gently to the light, they're going to go down kicking and grabbing and destroying everything they can't take with them, I suspect...

"And you may say to yourself:  This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. And you may say to yourself, 'My God! What have I done?"

The newspapers today sadden me. It's not the same product I delivered growing up.  Very little news, more puzzles and games and moving graphics. Entertainment.  Diversion.  Keep your mind off the hard news of what's happening in the world, and America's role in it...

The pictures out of Gaza are sickening, the pictures of the people especially, the children.

Life is Cheap to so many in our shared world today.  Plant life. Animal life. Human lives.  They value property, things.  Not Life.  "My God! What have I done?"

What America did early in this century in using our military to destroy some of the most ancient things in the world... anybody can be a dumb lunk like JDVance.  Those poor kids who were raised without an intact family home, the boys especially... have no solid male lead to check them. So they grow up thinking themselves all powerful when they do finally get out from their mama and grandmawmaw's thumb.  SOOoo excited to be around men, finally.  Like in the military.  Non thinkers, they do what they are told...

Anybody can prime young men to kill and destroy.  They love those first person shooter games. Not enough of them were raised in nature, valuing life though.  Those who can only appreciate their own, and have destructive hearts are not the people we need as leaders anymore.

Not in our media, our politics or our schools.  Keep your heads low and wait it out.  The heartless men like Cheney, and his family, have brought America down, but we will rise again.  Life is good.  Children have value to the world other than as war fodder.

The evil up top will fall in time;  they will self destruct because they don't understand how life works, and evil never wins.


In the news today:

Derek Chauvin is moved to new prison months after stabbing

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of killing George Floyd, was transferred to a federal prison in Texas almost nine months after he was stabbed in a different facility.