Saturday, August 3

Let's Focus on This, America? Today? Not JD"s couch buddies, or Kamala's skin tone ?

U.S. to Send More Combat Aircraft and Warships to Middle East, Officials Say

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment in response to threats from Iran and its proxies to attack Israel to avenge the death of Ismail Haniyeh.

This is what it's all about.

This is how the Bush-Chenies failed us, before the American people under Trump chased their types from office.

This is why America elected Barack Obama in 2008...

This is what the media misses:  what the pollsters, pundits, podcasters and plutocrats who pose as journalists today (they're not all poseurs, just the most prominent...) miss about America:

We are essentially a peaceful, work-it-out get-it-done people who do not embrace the USE of the gun so much as its deterrent power in providing defense to our homes and protection for our families.

We are not a constant warring people.  We pity Israel in this regard:  very few of us view her actions of late as those of a strong nation whose people support their leader who is not operating in his own country's best interests...

Sound familiar?

The first political party that addresses the actual issues in this campaign:  the growing drumbeats that only another strong military presence by the United States in the Middle East allegedly can escalate with our military equipment (will we get fooled again like the Big Lie bush-cheney pushed on us that led to a decade of economic turmoil for our own war economy at home?).

Do Americans want another to pay for another losing war? Can our VA hospitals and Social Security system handle supporting more deliberately disabled young people fighting endlessly for other countries to expand their borders while the US since Sept. 11, 2001 sits with out southern barn door essentially thrown wide open to all comers??  Those who want to work here, and those who simply want in and perhaps will cause destruction and chaos here later?

Before America goes baiting other countries into war "over there" on behalf of our allies who support assassinating leaders in foreign countries (so soon after an assassination attempt on "one of ours" (and like him or not, please admit that former president Trump is "one of ours" -- a high-ranking American whose loss would be a security loss for the country -- whether you think that a good loss or a bad one), maybe we should focus on  how we will be attacked again here... 

We have had a good run, America has, post WWII being the dominating country in the world, with our money and war winnings, our intelligence and our energy.  America is a great country.

Why are the news media, the establishment politicians, the well established American families and the all the strivers working hard to better themselves and make a better place for their own focusing us today on silly trivial political issues, when there are so many issues of substance -- starting with foreign policy -- we should be pounding answers out of those who want to serve and lead us into the future? 

Don't they see what is coming?

Don't they remember how bush-cheney-rice-powell tricked us into all those early wars of this century, making promises to the women of Iraq, and girls they promised to educate when our gunmen got through with their service to that rebuilding that nation (didn't happen)?  Don't they remember our glorious military failures, sending soldiers in to do social workers' jobs?  Remember how many children were killed when our young people in uniform thought they were innocently delivering candy and goodies to young children who clamored by their tanks and Humvees?  Those acts were soon restricted to protect childrens' lives... remember??

It was not all that long ago that American voters across the nation sent bush-cheney packing.  We don't want elite warriors posing in flight suits from patrician families who have never done a days worth of grunt work in their lives.  We don't want political families enriching themselves -- in or out of office -- by selling out American security intereests to cut deals on behalf of multi-national corporation interested in promising future markets across the globe, no matter how much those resources -- like lithium or uranium -- might be needed in the development of future industries...

Play fair.

That's what Americans want in their youth sports leagues, that's what we want in our armed forced.  Nobody is much signing up for the US military anymore -- the hard-luck kids like JD Vance learned their lesson quickly, and most families realize quickly there are much safer and smarter ways to "save" for college...

There's no real "pride in service for its own sake" anymore, not when we realize how often our troops and military resources are being farmed out to serve business and foreign interests other than defending our own border or protecting our own people or even keeping safe and proving a future for other innocents abroad. Instead, anyone with eyeballs who could read newspapers saw, the American troops brought more death and destruction to the people they allegedly were attempting to help that it would have been better for all of we simply stayed home and left lesser armed counties to work out their own difference and minimize the killings their own weapons can do.

I do not believe that America as a whole wants to jump in now to Israel's constant war with Iran.  They picked their fights, and now America is going to jump in and defend their national interests... again?  With dollars that need to be spent shoring up America's communities and rebuilding our own nation here at home with the people we'ver currently assembled as workers, families and strivers?

No way.  The media and establishment DC will catch up soon enough... like they finally did with Joe Biden's physical and mental deterioration.

American voters and taxpayers simply will not support another wasteful war that is better solved with tough love ("no more weapons for you!") and urging independence on our 75-year-old+ allies.  America is not Israel and her national security interests are not ours...

Who will be the first to say that?  Didn't Vance adopt an anti-war stance during his service to the Middle East?  I thought he did...

Didn't Trump say he had leverage with Netanyahu and would make him see some wisdom about the US not bankrolling his endless military quests to keep him in office?  I think he has been pressuring Bibi to lay off his attacks, but Trump is not president now, and we are essentially leaderless in DC, which is why "allies" like Netanyahu are making their moves now... leading us along.

Harris and her running mate have an opportunity to focus us on domestic issues, that would help American workers and families if we invested in our own with the billions we are wastefully shipping abroad -- the absurdity of paying for the weapons that kill children, paying for the food supplies to come in to feed the victims of our attacks... we're being played.

Absurd is what we voters call spending millions on building a pier for humanitarian aid because our ally lets food rot at checkpoints, continually assassinates aid workers trying to deliver help to the war victims, and damn, we could not even build a functional pier under the conditions.  We don't have money to keep wasting on stunts like that...

The first political party that acknowledges the strong anti-war and independent-America streak of Americans who have no ties to the globalists enriching themselves as American taxpayers are bled dry at home while pumping money into the military to establish growing markets abroad wins.

Who wants to lead this country where we are determined to go?

Who is strong enough to stand up and defend America's national security interests even if it means putting distance between ourselves and an ally we embraced after WWII, when America was the big winner in the world and we had the status to stoop and lift lesser countries in our desire to uplift the weaker victims in the world.

You see? We Americans still have that humanitarian streak in us -- to help the defenseless and protect the innocents.  That's why when we know we are not opererating anymore as a force for good in the world, that we need to stop back, rein in our military "minds" who work in their own interests -- feeding their own budget needs and taking care of their own-- not necessarily in service of our shared country.

First Do No Harm.

Everybody talking out their hind ends about protecting women and children in sportsplay ought to hang their heads at what American taxpayer dollars have bought of late.  Real men, and women, understand that in real wars, we need the courage to pursue the bad guys and try to free the innocents.  People will die for that.

Nobody wants to die for Netanyahu's Israel though, nor do we want our tax dollars that could be helping workers on our streets find shelter and community, to kill more Palestinian children...

Focus on the issues, please. Get curious about what's coming for our country.

"But I can see that dark horizon looming ever close to view... It's over now, it's not my fault, see how it feels for you... the smile has left your eyes, the smile has left your eyes..." ~Asia

U.S. to Send More Combat Aircraft and Warships to Middle East, Officials Say

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment in response to threats from Iran and its proxies to attack Israel to avenge the death of Ismail Haniyeh.