Wednesday, July 13

Humorous interlude

Seems things are getting heavy this summer, as they might have said 30 years ago.

In the belief that laughter -- and defiance in the face of evil, hey I read Bent -- will keep us free (and semantically, I too would encourage everytime we hold up freedom as a goal to spread, we couple it with justice, as in "freedom and justice" -- it just sounds better. UPDATE especially when you factor in the deaths of children who will never get to be free, but whose deaths need avenging), here is my contribution. (to humor, not freedom and justice, unless you interpret this as setting the dogs free -- to be, as they were born to be)

For some odd reason, the language made me think of Justice Scalia:

DOG LOVERS' ASTROLOGY SPECIAL: My mentor and friend Joyce Jillson, the great astrologer, had just finished writing "Astrology for Dogs" before her passing on October 1 of last year. To reply to the reader who asked, "What is dog astrology and how can I determine what sign my dog Puff, a stray, might be?" I'll quote Joyce's newly published book:

"Dog astrology explains the metaphysical side of your dog and helps you understand his character and the ways he will interact with the world. Carl Jung studied astrology and believed the stars had a profound effect on the timing of events for people and animals. If you got your dog from a breeder or a friend, you probably know when the pup was born. Otherwise, you might not be able to determine your dog's birth date. Not to worry. Celebrate Family Addition Day. The stars' alignment on this day can guide you in learning how to love, nurture and live with your animal partner. You can enhance your relationship with your dog by reading about all 12 signs to determine which appropriately describes your furry friend's astrological needs." (Quotes are courtesy of Bow Tie Press.)

Funny enough, but my stint as a bookseller (that word bothers me more than say, aquatic center, used to indicate more features -- ie/ waterslides and fountains, aerobics classes, water resistance strengthening movements, capable of benefitting even non-swimmers -- than typically indicated by the more generic term, swimming pool. Yeah, it's been hot here, can you tell?) tells me this too will sell. Cross shelve in the pet-lover and the metaphysical sections, throw in a holiday or two where people are obliged to buy a gift, and never, never underestimate (overestimate?) people's taste. People, say, who would name their dog Puff (UPDATE: which is obviously a cat's name.) Now don't be afraid, but yes folks, it is a verrry scary world out there.

Ah, I need coffee. Too early in the morning to be wondering whether Justice Scalia has a lab, or his own hunting dogs. Musing: maybe an oxymoronic left-wing hunter could use this book to check the stars and see which dog would perform best on a particular day. Anyway, happy hump day to all; the weekend is in sight...


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