Previews of November excuses to come...
"In some ways this controversy has actually shaken me up a little bit and gotten me back into remembering that, you know, the odds of me getting elected have always been lower than some of the other conventional candidates," the Illinois senator told CNN in an interview that aired late Wednesday.
Right, it wasn't your political judgment, or your lack of merits the votes don't like. It was that you're not a "conventional candidate."
Speaking of, it really is not too late to salvage your political future, Sen. Obama, and publicly acknowledge that it's not your time right now, and you'd end up in a stronger position working to support the Democratic team, and not your own interests. Concede now, and concentrate on ending 8 years of Republican executive rule?
Because sadly, many of us out here think that if the party splits now on special- interests v. working-class lines, it doesn't really matter who runs in 2012; the Democratic party itself will cease to operate in the future.
Do the right thing, strongly support a credible candidate who has a shot against McCain in the fall (Yes You Can! The polls can be overcome if your unity skills, and willing to reach out and work with others are what they're touted...) Clinton-Obama coming together now, before any more damage is inflicted, with plenty of work can overcome the Rev. Wright seeming hatred and ignorance that many will be discussing over their Easter brunches.
Abraham Lincoln was killed on Good Friday, and his death had implications for the future reconciliation of the South and North. "Let em up easy" kind of died with the man. Ending your presidential bid tomorrow, if it's clear already that you alone have no shot at taking the presidency in November, might be not only a surprise, but the wisest move you can make now in working together to unite the Democrats to victory. Put some action behind those words, if indeed you meant them for all of us, and it's not just about winning the big prize for you and yours this year.
I guarantee that this kind of move would leave the pundits scratching their heads, would be a bold leadership move, and would guarantee you plenty of time to help heal the wounds in this already economically painful war time that would allow the country to begin thinking ahead about the hard path and sacrifices necessary. Oh, and God Bless America; Yes We Can! Be a leader who can step up when it matters, not a loser who makes excuses and blames others. -- Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...
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