Saturday, May 17

A garage saling morning here in Monona -- ok, just one for me, but some great kids' toys ... cheap. Think they'll like the mini pinball machine, the perfect price for outdoor summer play.

In other news, I just saw this.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy hospitalized with symptoms of stroke

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts has been hospitalized in Boston after suffering stroke-like symptoms, The Associated Press has learned.

Kennedy was taken to the hospital overnight, said an official who requested anonymity. There is no word on his condition.

Kennedy, 76, has been in the Senate since election in 1962, filling out the term won by his brother, John F. Kennedy.

Time is of the essence, of course, if you've suffered a stroke; I hope he wasn't in denial about his symptoms, and they got him to the hospital soon enough.

Sen. Kennedy is in our prayers, and hopefully a quick response time, medication, and best medical care available can minimize the symptoms, if indeed that is what has happened here.