Tuesday, May 23

The Great Black Hope?

 What do you think, fellow Americans?

Can Republican Tim Scott rally enough of the country behind him to focus again on the national, not global, priorities?  Can he end the polarization, and bring new Americans -- as well as those intent on protecting their family's generational wealth for their children -- to the table to smash the bipartisan way of pushing the Pentagon's priorities on the people?

I don't know, but the black skin will be a draw...

Can the Obama magic happen twice in a lifetime? Are black and white and ethnic and legal immigrant Americans ready to vote for Change again?  Does the media have the monopoly power about putting the party's picks over the people's choices?  If Brandon Johnson can win in Chicago, why not Tim Scott in America?  White women seeking security would go for that, I think, and black Men wouldn't be rejecting the Democrats so much as supporting diverse leadership...

He's 57 and unmarried with no children:  many tradMen are saying he's no family guy, he's unelectable, but I think we're bigger than that in this country now.  If he can focus Americans back on America, and lead us to understand work needs to be done to fix this country -- it's not all guns and money and violence will cure things, as the case of sad Dan Penny teaches... -- we might have a shot at being a winning country again.

Let's try and change things here at home?  Just try for real?

We can't let the bullies with the guns or those promising the women with protection through pre-emptive force win.  They don't understand how life works, and cost others so much in money and personal freedoms.  Barnacles never learn independence, they just reattach their families elsewhere to keep feeding off others.

I think men like Tim Scott might say, black families have been hosts to too many government barnacles for too long.  Imagine the money America will free up once we get the military entitlements eliminated and focus more on defensive positioning, not overthrowing foreign governments to "protect" the women and children of the non-free world.

That's a fool's game.  Propaganda for the masses to swallow, if they're into that.


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