Wednesday, August 21

Obama is NOT the national uniter he pretends to be...

Obamas electrify Democrats with barbs, calls for action

They got the order wrong.  Dems today should drop the whole "barbs" offensive line of attack on the American people who don't like where Biden led us... You need all the voters you can gather, especially in the swing states.  Attacking white Americans for being white won't get you there.  We'll take Trump over the false canonization of black people who are not deserving except for their ability to divide us.

Dems peaked too soon, I think... They were down. Serious. Had an old man at the top of the ticket who clearly is being led behind the scenes.  America without a president.  Netanyahu directing the worlds' foreign policy... and doing a poor job of it.

So the Dems were really down.  Wish they would have stayed there for a bit, assessing the problems in the nation and coming up with hard plans to address them... (It WILL be hard to tell the top that they have too much; for the good of the country, we're taxing the shit out of them so that the people living on the streets with not enough to eat can get help:  shelters, drug treatments, makework jobs, whatever it takes because if you don't take care of your underclass and the newcomers, they will come for yours in time.  See Ennis Cosby)

Instead, the Dems decided on Kamala and Tim, and... PARTY TIME!  They brought out HRC to be her ususal nasty woman self, talking about how great she is as a boomer woman, entitled and blah blah blah, the bad guys took her down... (Look at your husband, Hil.  He's why you didn't win. How you responded to his lies and what you did to advance yourself...)

Then they put up Obama and his wife.  Obama, the black son raised in a white family, who got promoted to the top during the height of the affirmative action days.  If you want a lightweight to divide us, he's your man.  His two children now have it made.  They're not contributing though... they're like the Kennedys now, untouchable and ... making documentary films to change the world.  Lol.  Not a doctor or medical worker amongst them.  Credentialed but not smart people in the ways of the world.  Takers not givers.

Keep whooping it up in Chi town, then "new" Dems... You're gonna deliver the same old same old with a new cast of characters, ain'tcha?

America wants #Change. We'll get it, one way or another.  Don't bring out the Obamas to demonize whites.  Kamala:  they are stealing your unity campaign away from you.  The Dem party is sucking you in.  Come up with some policy plans ASAP, and listen to the American people, especially the younger ones, and not the same old same old Big Players for the Dems who are promising to punch your ticket.

You need the American voters. We're done with the party divisions. Figure out a plan to disengage the US from the current ISraeli government, and work toward respecting  the lives of non Jewish people and non black people in the US.  We vote too.  And there still more of us in America than the ones who think we're the bad guys today...