Saturday, August 3

Was he off work the day the decision was made?

In a Friday memo, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin withdrew the agreements with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two others charged in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Wow, quite the reversal here... Political pressure? Didn't think it through the first time? Nobody thought to run this past him before making the big announcement??  Hm.

The United States looks like it does not know whether it is coming or going these days, and that is dangerous as the drum war beats continue to pound.

All you folks busy raising your kids and enjoying your summertime pleasures without care... don't you hear them?  Don't you think 5 or 10 years out and wonder what another extended-war crowd "leading us" in Washington will do to permanently destabilizie American communities here at home as we again focus on killing people abroad rather than helping our workers and families here at home?

Haven't you noticed that the more we worship mighty macho warriors relying on military might first and foremost across the globe the more our American children here at home pick up on that and pick up the guns they find in their households too to join the mighty macho armed man club?

Do we really still think might makes right?  Sure, kill the terrorists and exact justice for what was done to the United States two decades ago.  Then focus on bleeding out the bad guys today?  Justice delayed is justice denied, and the sooner we enforce the laws and justice, the sooner we peaceful people will live in a better world where weapons are used as deterrents in "cold" wars as countries protect their own borders -- or not -- and not as offense power plays to simply get what we want, justice be damned.

Nobody wants a weak America but those who don't plan to remain in America... think on these things? There's still plenty of strength in American communities, and helping each other -- not killing for gain -- is really what we Americans do best.  It's why people worldwide continue to want to come here.

Let's keep it that way?  We're all on the same side afterall, right? #America