Thursday, September 19

Michael Jackson - Black Or White (Official Video - Shortened Version)

Never saw this video before...

though I know the song.

Boomer Gonna Boom.

 and take all of us with them... lol.

I choose peace over war myself.

Life goes on... Always does.

* "as for me and mine... "

Make that CHANGE ?

Brittney Griner & Rickea Jackson EJECTED after physical altercation | WN...

Oh, Rickea totally initiated that. Both cases of contact. Griner was merely brushing her off...  Rookie mistake.

Here's the link to enlarge the picture:

Wednesday, September 18

Who is Mossad sending a message to? Hm.


Life in a low trust, no trust world... no thanks. 

"As  for me and mine..."

Confirmed: Israel Kills Kids.

 I'm glad Americans do not fight like this.  I'm glad our intelligence services are smart enough not to pull this type of stunt... how stupid to turn the world against you like that.

A 9-Year-Old Girl Killed in Pager Attack Is Mourned in Lebanon

“The enemy killed us using this small device!” mourners chanted at the funeral for Fatima Abdullah, a fourth grader.

Halloween III Silver Shamrock Commercial

Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (1982) Official Trailer

Can We Be Honest?

The pager thing is piker level compared to whoever came up with the plan to crash two fuel laden planes successfully taking down two major buildings ... just saying.

*Be careful what you brag of.  "Hold my beer" takes stupidity, not balls. There is no "bottom"to hit when playing evil... It can and will go lower unless that promised Change shows up soon on the scene, I suspect...

ADDED:  I always said, still maintain:  Halloween III was the best of the lot.  No Jamie Lee, true, but the storyline was the scariest in reality...  

a Terror.

Israel disgusts the whole world. A psychotic bully protected by his mafia boss uncle. A sensation of true global revulsion is all that's left. Who can still identify with this house of creeping terror? It's a Frankenstein in the form of a country. A freaking historic curse

Tuesday, September 17

He wants to see her to crush a Palestinian child's skull with her bare hands, doesn't he?

 Bret Stephens:

What Harris Must Do to Win Over Skeptics (Like Me) 

It’s not enough to be “Not Trump.” 4h ago

If they can kill by exploding electronic devices over there...

they can do the same over here.  I'm glad America is a Constitutional democracy, where we presume defendants' rights and give them a trial before assassinating others...

Imagine trying to live in a land where there are no trials or judges, and the politicians can assassinate others and their own, in their own nation or elsewhere...  

Where the fighters do not stand and fight like men, but justify killing children to advance their cause.  It's so sad to see Israel becoming a pariah terroristic religious state under Benjamin Netanyahu.  All the cries of anti semitism in the world will not protect the Israeli people from the consequences of their collective politcal actions now...  They are becoming their enemies, fighting like outlaws themselves, allegedly to protect their own people, but... how many hostages died in captivity in recent days, do you think?

Nevermind the little Lebanese girl killed in the exploding pager attack... why doesn't the IDF go pell mell into those tunnels, killing the people who took their own?  Are the soldiers afraid?  Is it easier to drop bombs from above, and asssasinate leaders in sovereign lands, and explode pagers?  Sure it is?

Imagine how the IDF would fare on an honest battleground fighting other armed men... they're too afraid to try, so they pull these "tricks" that will only end up exploding on their own children one day, because their military men and those leading them are afraid...

What a world, what a world...  The truly civilized and powerful make rules to live under*, so that we don't have to live in fear and terror that others will decide to unilaterally destroy the property of innocents and take their children's lives out of their own fears of survival...

Tough times do not last. People who play by the rules, in the long run, do.  Shame on those who think they will kill their way to a win...

"Turned the stone and looked beneath it... Peace on Earth, was all it read..."  As for me and my house...


* I remember when the Jewish people were traditionally the lawgivers and those to be emulated in living civilized lives before they turned to worshipping their guns over God.  Sad to see the decline as Israel has upped the death count and revealed herself to the world as nothing so special or better than the rest of the human tribe afterall...  God weeps.

Monday, September 16

I like to watch a murder mystery...

I like to know the killer isn't me... 
(maybe focus on the beat, not the lyrics?)

Happy Monday, all y'all out there.  


Saturday, September 14




What does it mean that a little child shall lead them in Isaiah 11:6?

translatea little child shall lead them

Isaiah 11 is centered on the theme of Israel’s restoration and includes a description of the Messiah, the righteous kingdom He will establish, and the remnant who inhabit it. After describing the Messiah (verses 1–5), Isaiah begins to elaborate on the ideal conditions of the kingdom He will set up: “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them” (Isaiah 11:6, ESV).

In the utopian environment of the Messiah’s future realm, all dangers of the animal kingdom will cease. Isaiah couples each animal with its natural prey. The lamb will be safe from the threat of the wolf, the goat will be unharmed by the leopard, and the fatted calf will not fear the menace of the lion. Under the perfect dominion of the Prince of Peace, the state of the world will be so tame that even the most ferocious wild beasts will submit to the leading of a little child.

Human superiority over animals will continue in Messiah’s millennial kingdom but be amplified. Even small children—who would ordinarily be preyed upon by wild beasts—will not only be safe from these predatory creatures but will have control over them. This serene relationship between predator and prey is used often in prophetic Scripture to portray the state of life under the Prince of Peace: “‘The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,’ says the LORD” (Isaiah 65:25).

Ezekiel describes the harmony and safety of a restored creation in similar terms: “I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety” (Ezekiel 34:25; see also Hosea 2:18). The apostle Paul seems to echo this future expectation: “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Romans 8:19–22). In the restored kingdom, all creation will be at peace because the curse will be lifted.

When Isaiah said, “A little child shall lead them,” he meant that even a small boy or girl would be safe to lead former predators and prey together as if they were domesticated animals, like a dog on a leash or horse on a lead. Under Messiah’s restored kingdom, peace and security will reign over all creation, even in the wild animal kingdom, and nothing will be able to disturb or threaten that tranquility.

Friday, September 13

Epstein Compromised Too Many Politicos from Both Parties... ?

Kamala, the woman with no family baggage, is seen as clean... ?  Is that the face of a person who will lead us through the next world war? Color me doubtful...

Wednesday, September 11

Israeli Strike in Gaza Kills 18, Officials Say, Including 6 U.N. Workers

 Middle East Crisis

 ​​Israel Bombs Humanitarian Zone ​​

Israeli Strike in Gaza Kills 18, Officials Say, Including 6 U.N. Workers 

Israel hit a shelter for displaced people, saying Hamas used it as a command post. UNRWA called it the deadliest incident for its staff since the war began...


*Yes, there will be an answer... 

Let It Be.

Love Is Like A Rock

Carl Douglas: Kung Fu Fighting (Original Music Video) or, "Those Cats Were Fast as Lightning"

"For anyone wondering why there was no audience reaction it was because he was moving as fast as lightning, time slowed down around him..."

Sunday, September 8


... and still the children cry...

Put a little love in your heart...

America is missing a commander in chief during Wartime.* 

God help the people covering this up.. may justice soon be served to them, and their innocents, if that is needed to open their eyes and end the war against civilians continuing on in our name for yet another day.  #ParityBringsPeace


*  The nation cannot run on autopilot and happy happy joy joy forever. No matter that the college football season has begun...  Childish games need to be put away by grown men now, if this country has any left in power today.  They are but boys, and beasts, it seems...  maybe the influx of new immigrant blood will save us from ourselves again?  Men needed, preferably men of minds, not those believing killing innocents and destroying civilian infrastructure on other people's dimes makes them strong.

If you need kill other people's children to "protect" your own, you've already lost the game...  Why cheer that? (Can't you see the deadly backlash coming, or are you calculating you and yours are "safe" from retribution? Best start using your eyes while you've still got them, no?  Grow up and sober up, for the sake of your children...)

Saturday, September 7

Star Tribune
Review: Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan deliver the last - and most momentous - doubleheader of the summer
John Mellencamp set the table for the two musical giants outdoors in Somerset, Wis.
7 hours ago

They say that what you mock will surely overtake you...

 and you become the monster, so the monster will not break you...

Warmongering neocon, Dick Cheney, endorses Kamala Harris.

This is further confirmation that the old GOP is dead, and Trump has taken over the Republican Party.

-The Cheneys
-The Bushes
-The McCains
-Paul Ryan
-Mitt Romney

The old GOP establishment have been booted out of MAGA, and remain loyal to their uniparty cohorts on the other side of the aisle, hence why they all support Kamala.

This proves that a Deep State/Uniparty exists, and confirms that Trump/MAGA are the opposition to this entity.

Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala is a MASSIVE positive for Trump. And it’s also hilarious, because before Trump came along, Dick Cheney was arguably the guy they hated most. They don’t event realize what they have become.

Till It Shines

"See the rich man, lost and lonely, watch him as he dines... sitting there, just testing all the wines, till it shines..."  

Best of luck to Mr. David Brooks and his lovely young bride... Let's play them out with this one?  "Their day has come." (grab all you can while the getting' good, old men...  If not you, who?  heh heh.)

Friday, September 6

Journey - Open Arms (Official Video - 1982)


The Middle Coast said...

I like to show up at the polls wearing multiple "I Voted" stickers.


As a "saver", I have several of these -- unstuck still on the paper -- from previous elections... Don't give me any funny ideas!!

Tuesday, September 3

It's a Beautiful Life...


Sunday, September 1

"We're Scared, but We Ain't Shakin'. Kinda Bent but We Ain't Breakin'...

 ... in the long run."  Eagles.

I choose to believe that in his final months of life in captivity, Hersh Polin Goldberg overcame the physical limitations imposed on him, and not only survived but knew a greater strength in his final days than he knew in the rest of his short life here and in Israel. Power of the mind.

Eagles: The Long Run...

(2013 Remaster)

On Eagle's Wings – Michael Joncas

The Old Men Who Run the World...

have failed us once again.  They don't value LIFE.  Evil comes of that...

Rest In Power Hersh Polin Goldberg. You deserved so much better. You lost your arm and lived, your people fought hard for your life... 

Go in peace; we will carry on. You deserved so much better. LIFE.

The saddest thing is contrary to what many Israelis believe, Netanyahu's military actions are not making his country any more secure in the long, long run...  

=The sacrifice is in vain. To save him, in the short run, Netanyahu's  political career, not really his country in the long run...

The younger people are being used as pawns; life is cheap to the old men clinging to power still...

#TurnThePage  #ChangeIsPowerNotJustaPrettyword



Tributes were pouring in on Sunday for the six hostages who were found dead in southern Gaza over the weekend. The hostages, whose bodies were retrieved from a tunnel, ranged in age from 23 to 40. Five had been at a dance music festival in southern Israel when they were taken captive during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and its allies; a sixth was taken from the village of Be’eri.