Monday, October 31

Purging the non-journalists...

By Paul Farhi October 31 at 2:51 PM

CNN has cut ties with commentator and interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile after WikiLeaks revealed that Brazile leaked more primary debate questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The network said it accepted Brazile’s resignation as a contributor Monday after the hacked emails showed that she had tipped off Clinton’s campaign to likely questions during the primaries.

In a statement, CNN spokeswoman Lauren Pratapas said, “We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.”

WikiLeaks had previously revealed that Brazile had emailed John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, in March about her access to questions that would be asked at CNN-sponsored primary debates. “From time to time I get the questions in advance,” she told Podesta on March 12. She added, “I’ll send a few more.”

* Did Mrs. Clinton know her campaign was cheating, feeding her questions in advance that they improperly obtained? If not, she ought to be more aware of what the people around her are doing, dontchathink?

A "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Washington?

Or will the people of America continue to demand transparency? This race is just getting good...

Good for Comey for refusing to (continue to) play along...

Wednesday, October 26

"In Your Face, John Roberts!"

When a "penalty tax" on healthy working persons is the only tool you have in your toolbox to fix the unstable leg that is the mandate part of the three-legged stool upon which the architects and journalist-promoters of the ACA built, you tend to cling to it...

It won't work.
Some people are not as manipulated by money as others, and are not willing to involuntarily "buy into" this hot mess of a federal program.

Independent thinkers -- and young and healthy too -- can outwait you. "Time, time, time... is on our side... (yes it is!)" People don't want to pay for personal choices that they would not choose for themselves. Don't foist these costs upon the innocents who choose not to support the industrial-medical establishment. But feel free: Keep upping the penalty-tax, and keep trying to squeeze blood from a rock.

Ain't gonna work: people don't all price their principles like that... They're not free-loaders, or free-riders on your medical system. They choose to be non-participants, which often keeps them healthier in the long run. (Money spend on good food and healthy lifestyles can beat prescription drugs in many cases, as the drugs often treat only the symptoms, not the underlying causes...)

Best look for other tools, "wonks"! *

WASHINGTON — The architects of the Affordable Care Act thought they had a blunt instrument to force people — even young and healthy ones — to buy insurance through the law’s online marketplaces: a tax penalty for those who remain uninsured.

It has not worked all that well, and that is at least partly to blame for soaring premiums next year on some of the health law’s insurance exchanges.

The full weight of the penalty will not be felt until April, when those who have avoided buying insurance will face penalties of around $700 a person or more. But even then that might not be enough: For the young and healthy who are badly needed to make the exchanges work, it is sometimes cheaper to pay the Internal Revenue Service than an insurance company charging large premiums, with huge deductibles.

“In my experience, the penalty has not been large enough to motivate people to sign up for insurance,” said Christine Speidel, a tax lawyer at Vermont Legal Aid.
* You say "wonks"; I say "shakedown artists"...

"Wonks!" "Shakedown artists!"
"Wonks!" "Shakedown artists!"...

Let's call the whole thing off?

ADDED: The trouble with wonks is, they only know numbers. Thus, they've pinned the costs of this program on a small group, who are not necessarily willing to carry the country's sickest and most vulnerable.

If you are going to attempt artificial social engineering on such a huge national level, you have to pass the costs on to ALL the taxpayers, wealthy "wonks" included. This, of course, would be politically impossible. They are banking on the fact that those who do not need medical services, and do not leave unpaid medical bills in their wake, will be brought to their knees by lack of legislative and judicial representation as they attempt to squeeze blood from rocks.

Again: not gonna work. They should be asking the healthy how they afford to keep themselves healthy and paying only out-of-pocket as needed, instead of asking them -- because of the low numbers -- to bear the costs of insuring America's formerly uninsurables...

Of the 10.5 million** Americans who get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces, about 85 percent** receive income-based subsidies to defray the cost.

That leaves seven million** people buying insurance on their own without subsidies, because their income is too high or they are not aware of the option — a significant number but not a huge voting base.

Such cynical calculations... it's unhealthy really.
Fix the problems; don't pass them off to the insular discrete minorities, just because we are low in numbers right now.

** Pardon me for noticing, but I think the math is off here, too. If 85% of 10.5 million people on the exchanges are getting subsidies, then that leave way less than 7 million carrying the burden of paying for their own needs, and carrying the costs of others, no?

"Your Health is your Wealth. Don't Spend It All on Others."

Tuesday, October 25

America Did This.

The illegal decision to overthrow Libya's leader -- to hunt him down and kill him -- caused the destabilization in that country that led to this. This is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's legacy, make no mistake:

Nearly as Many Migrants Died in the Mediterranean This Year as in All of 2015

GENEVA — Deaths among migrants crossing the Mediterranean from North Africa to Europe are poised to overtake the fatalities last year despite a sharp fall in the number making the journey, the United Nations refugee agency said on Tuesday.

At least 3,740 people had died by the start of this week trying the perilous crossing, compared with 3,771 in the whole of 2015, William Spindler, a spokesman for the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, told journalists in Geneva. An overwhelming majority, nearly nine in 10, died on the trip from Libya to Italy.

“This is by far the worst we have ever seen,” Mr. Spindler said.

So far this year, 327,800 people have crossed the Mediterranean, about one-half the number who crossed last year. On that basis, the death rate could be said to have doubled, he added.

Don't turn away ... watch this.

No man deserves to die like that.
"Still now, Danny Farrell... he's a man."
He's a loser, a boozer, a me-and-you user;
a raider, a traitor, people's police hater...
So lonely and only, what you'd call a gurrier.
Still now, Danny Farrell he's a man

~Audio, for those who hear better than they see... another take, homegrown.

When our country, as a whole -- not just our soulless elites -- accepts such deadly behavior as normal, moral even, then a little bit of our country dies every day...

What we've become in the 21st century, under Bush,Obama,Clinton... this is not US.

Monday, October 24

Everyday is Halloween (Ministry).

Well I've lived with snakes
and lizards and other things
that go bump in the night

Saturday, October 22

Moesha, Mo Rocca...

Call me a racist, but my brain categorization upon reading the name in the past had temporarily flipped him into the bin: Big Black Funnyman. Nope!

No apologies for the initial misclassification, as he's still not in any need-to-know category in my daily life. Guess I understand why though, with a name like that, the net worth is advertised on wiki...

Overcompensation and all.

Mo' money
Mo' problems
Mo' rocca


Have a great weekend, supposed to be sunny here, but with all signs pointing to a polar vortex winter. I like to get out in the daylight and appreciate the warmth, and the kayaks need to get put away this weekend too. Bank deposit, groceries, pot pies w/the BOGO coupon at KFC... what am I doing here, hanging 'round? ("I should be on the train and gone...")

Hope your weekend is warm and lovely,
getting you ready for a long winter rest...


Friday, October 21

Geopolitically, this is Big News...

America's history with the Phillipines, falling on Obama's watch:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will seek an explanation from the Philippines for President Rodrigo Duterte's announcement of a "separation" from Washington, the State Department said on Thursday, calling the remarks baffling and at odds with the two countries' close relationship.

Duterte said during a visit to China on Thursday that "America has lost me" in military and economic ties with the Philippines and "I announce my separation from the United States."

"We are going to be seeking an explanation of exactly what the president meant when he talked about separation from the U.S.," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "It's not clear to us exactly what that means in all its ramifications."
I don't suppose today's soft media class know about MacArthur, the Bataan Death March, or the importance of those islands, so don't expect this to get much news coverage when we've got women to protect on planes and all, but... this is big news. Russia and China are grinning, no doubt.

ADDED: Break it down for me, now.
What Duterte is saying is that the administration of Barrack (sic) Obama has allowed China to regain a stronghold in the Spratly Islands, violating the sovereignty of Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc and the rights for international passage through this world seaway.

It means that Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state who crafted the miscalculations in Iran, Syria, Libya, the Spratly Islands, and everything else she orchestrated on behalf of Obama has FAILED.

The Philippines president regards Obama and Clinton as PAPER TIGERS. He is CORRECT!
and more... keep laughing, Mr. President. Your life is good!
What it means is that current US leadership is stupid and weak and cannot be counted on, so this pipsqueak will align with China or Russia who are the big dogs, now that Barry the Boy King has knocked the US down to size.

Thursday, October 20

Grab Rebounds.

It is better for a woman to have worked hard, competed on her own merits, and lost, than to have put on a pretty face and worked at being a people pleaser, only to later complain when a younger, prettier, more accommodating lady beats you at that game.

#RealWomenSweat (and they're not embarrassed to let you see it...)

Know Your Audience...

“Now I’m told Hillary went to confession before tonight’s event, but the priest was having a hard time when he asked her about her sins, and she said she couldn’t remember 39 times.”
“We’ve learned so much from WikiLeaks. For instance, Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy and a totally different policy in private. … For example, here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics."

"Ah, who knows? Humor. To each his own, it's a matter of taste…. The fact that we're together, the fact that they shake hands at the end and say, 'see you on the campaign trail,' that's not bad."
Don't Forget the Children!

Know Your Audience...

“Now I’m told Hillary went to confession before tonight’s event, but the priest was having a hard time when he asked her about her sins, and she said she couldn’t remember 39 times.”
“We’ve learned so much from WikiLeaks. For instance, Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy and a totally different policy in private. … For example, here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics."

Wednesday, October 19

Eyes On the Ball...

I'm guessing the press will continue to refuse to address the important issues that matter to the American public in this current entertainment tv season. Here's what's important:

If the government is going to require citizens to buy a product, then it better make sure the product is accessible. 

Obamacare is complex; some parts are good, some not. On the plus side, Obamacare expanded coverage for the working poor. It knocked out exclusions for pre-existing conditions. It eliminated annual and lifetime benefit caps. It requires coverage for preventive care. It extended coverage to age 25 for children under family policies.

Most people get coverage through an employer. Obamacare requires employers to provide a minimum level of health coverage, or pay a tax. Of the rest? The poor qualify for Medicaid. Low-income families qualify for MinnesotaCare. The elderly qualify for Medicare.

About 6 percent of the population — mostly self-employed — composes a residual “pool” of people who must buy individual coverage, or pay a tax. This small “pool” is now comprised of higher-risk policyholders, as younger, healthier folks have continued without coverage rather than pay high premiums.

The result? Rates have soared even higher for individuals in the pool who are mandated to buy health insurance.

Go Pack!

Wolves and Bears... protecting their turf:

Wisconsin bear hunters achieved a typically high success rate during a monthlong season that concluded last week, but experts are still trying to determine why a record number of hunting dogs were killed in the process. 

According to the Wisconsin State Journal, at least 40 dogs were preyed upon by wolves during a hunt that allowed the use of dogs to pursue and tree black bears. 

That’s nearly double the previous record of 23 hunting dog deaths, in a phenomenon that might be attributed to a growing wolf population in the Badger State.
Gray wolves, also called timber wolves, are more firmly established in Wisconsin than at any time in recent history, numbering about 900 animals.  

The wolves, which reside and hunt in packs, were removed from the federal list of endangered species 2012. But they were relisted in 2014.
Wolf hunts were allowed briefly after the delisting, but are now banned. Wolf predation on livestock and hunting dogs is an increasingly contentious issue. 

“It’s a terrible thing when your dog is eaten alive, you know, and it hasn’t happened to me yet, but a lot of guys that I know, they’ve lost a lot of good dogs,” Manny Eble, a bear hunter, told WBAY.
Many believe that if wolf hunting were allowed, depredation on hunting dogs and livestock would be sharply reduced. 
But advocates for gray wolves, as integral components of a fragile ecosystem, believe that ranchers could do more to protect their livestock, and that too many hunters run dogs through areas state-listed as “wolf caution areas.” 
“I don’t think they care much about their dogs,” Melissa Smith, executive director of Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf,” told the State Journal. 
Wisconsin bear hunters killed 4,643 black bears – falling just short of the state’s quota – during a season that concluded last Tuesday. 
Before hunting season, the state’s bear population was estimated to number 28,900.

I Arise Today...

I bind to myself today
God's Power to guide me,
God's Might to uphold me,
God's Wisdom to teach me,
God's Eye to watch over me,
God's Ear to hear me,
God's Word to give me speech,
God's Hand to guide me,
God's Way to lie before me,
God's Shield to shelter me,
God's Host to secure me...

I like working the double shifts. No time for drama, irrelevant matters or inefficiencies built into the schedules. Just get up, get out, and run it, the way God intended.

Happy Hump Day!

Christ, protect me today
against every poison, against burning,
against drowning, against death-wound,
that I may receive abundant reward.
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ at my right, Christ at my left,
Christ in the fort, Christ in the chariot seat...

Monday, October 17

The Minnesota Lynx... Bringin' It Home.

Roar for Four!

LOS ANGELES -- Maya Moore scored 31 points and Minnesota's defense held Nneka Ogwumike and Candace Parker in check to help the Lynx beat the Los Angeles Sparks 85-79 on Sunday night and force a decisive fifth game in the WNBA Finals.

Lindsay Whalen added 13 points, Seimone Augustus had 12 and Sylvia Fowles had 10 points and 13 rebounds in tying the series 2-2 and sending it back to Minneapolis, where the Lynx will try to win their record-tying fourth championship on Thursday.

"Great series, Game 5 in Minneapolis, we're excited," Moore said.
Me too.

"We have created a tough place to play at Target Center. I'm expecting 15,000-plus fans for Game 5," Lynx guard Seimone Augustus said. "They're going to bring the energy and we're going to bring the pain."
The teams have three days until Game 5, the longest rest of the Finals. The Lynx head home on Monday, while the Sparks depart on Tuesday.
"We didn't lack desire to win or a will. We competed hard enough," Sparks coach Brian Agler said.

"I don't know if we're going to see the results on Thursday, but this game is really going to help us because it's the first time this team has been in this kind of environment," Agler said.

"Of course we're playing against a great opponent that's been there several times, and you could tell the difference in both teams. Going through this, I could just sort of tell from our facial expressions in the locker room, this was new for them."

Thursday, October 13

Sylllllllll- via!

One of the Lynx's untouchables:
The Los Angeles Sparks were expected to be out-rebounded by the Minnesota Lynx in the Finals. But in Game 2 they were completely crushed on the boards in Minnesota’s 79-60 win. The Sparks’ inability to box out Lynx bigs Sylvia Fowles, Rebekkah Brunson and Natasha Howard made the difference in what wasn’t an impressive offensive night for either team.

In a best-of-5 series tied at a game apiece, Game 3 is pivotal. If L.A. can’t match Minnesota’s physicality on the boards, the Lynx will stand a win away from repeating as champions.

The Lynx were the best overall rebounding team in the league this year, collecting 53.8 percent of possible rebounds, and the second-best offensive rebounding team at 30.2 percent. The Sparks were in the bottom half of the league in rebound percentage allowed, so Minnesota’s prowess in that department is no surprise.

But the Lynx were especially dominant on Tuesday, grabbing 46 rebounds to the Sparks’ 32. They collected 35 percent of possible offensive rebounds. They were able to capitalize too, scoring 17 points off 13 of them. Fowles and Brunson were responsible for nine offensive rebounds, and neither had to work particularly hard to get position at the rim. On a number of occasions they went untouched.
I love strong, defensive-minded women.
And to be in a sold-out arena with like-minded fans cheering on a winner?

A 19-point loss wasn’t expected to follow a buzzer-beating two-point win. The Lynx made the defensive changes necessary to win Game 2, protecting the paint and denying backdoor passes, to hold the Sparks to 33 percent shooting from the field.
Game 3 = Friday night in L.A. ...

Shoot the "Messengers".


The two-fold myth about the white working class – that they are to blame for Trump’s rise, and that those among them who support him for the worst reasons exemplify the rest – takes flight on the wings of moral superiority affluent Americans often pin upon themselves.

I have never seen them flap so insistently as in today’s election commentary, where notions of poor whiteness and poor character are routinely conflated.
In seeking to explain Trump’s appeal, proportionate media coverage would require more stories about the racism and misogyny among white Trump supporters in tony suburbs. Or, if we’re examining economically driven bitterness among the working class, stories about the Democratic lawmakers who in recent decades ended welfare as we knew it, hopped in the sack with Wall Street and forgot American labor in their global trade agreements.

We don’t need their analysis, and we sure don’t need their tears. What we need is to have our stories told

But, for national media outlets comprised largely of middle- and upper-class liberals, that would mean looking their own class in the face.

The faces journalists do train the cameras on – hateful ones screaming sexist vitriol next to Confederate flags – must receive coverage but do not speak for the communities I know well. That the media industry ignored my home for so long left a vacuum of understanding in which the first glimpse of an economically downtrodden white is presumed to represent the whole.

Part of the current glimpse is JD Vance, author of the bestselling new memoir Hillbilly Elegy. A successful attorney who had a precariously middle-class upbringing in an Ohio steel town, Vance wrote of the chaos that can haunt a family with generational memory of deep poverty. A conservative who says he won’t vote for Trump, Vance speculates about why working-class whites will: cultural anxiety that arises when opioid overdose kills your friends and the political establishment has proven it will throw you under the bus. While his theories may hold up in some corners, in interviews coastal media members have repeatedly asked Vance to speak for the entire white working class.

His interviewers and reviewers often seem relieved to find someone with ownership on the topic whose ideas in large part confirm their own. The New York Times election podcast The Run-Up said Vance’s memoir “doubles as a cultural anthropology of the white underclass that has flocked to the Republican presidential nominee’s candidacy”. (The Times teased its review of the book with the tweet: “Want to know more about the people who fueled the rise of Donald Trump?”)

While Vance happens to have roots in Kentucky mining country, most downtrodden whites are not conservative male Protestants from Appalachia. That sometimes seems the only concept of them that the American consciousness can contain: tucked away in a remote mountain shanty like a coal-dust-covered ghost, as though white poverty isn’t always right in front of us, swiping our credit cards at a Target in Denver or asking for cash on a Los Angeles sidewalk.
I’m hard-pressed to think of a worse slight than the media figures who have disregarded the embattled white working class for decades now beseeching the country to have sympathy for them. We don’t need their analysis, and we sure don’t need their tears. What we need is to have our stories told, preferably by someone who can walk into a factory without his own guilt fogging his glasses.

In a recent op-ed headlined Dignity and Sadness in the Working Class, David Brooks told of a laid-off Kentucky metal worker he met. On his last day, the man left to rows of cheering coworkers – a moment I read as triumphant, but that Brooks declared pitiable. How hard the man worked for so little, how great his skills and how dwindling their value, Brooks pointed out, for people he said radiate “the residual sadness of the lonely heart”.

Saturday, October 8

Entertainment TV, or Real World News?

South China Morning Post:

Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favoured “open trade and open borders” and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the US financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked on Friday.

Excerpts of the speeches given in the years before her 2016 presidential campaign included some blunt and unguarded remarks to her private audiences, which collectively had paid her at least US$26.1 million in speaking fees. Clinton had refused to release transcripts of the speeches, despite repeated calls to do so by her primary opponent, Senator. Bernie Sanders.
One excerpt put Clinton squarely in the free-trade camp, a position she has retreated on significantly during the 2016 election. In a talk to a Brazilian bank in 2013, she said her “dream” is “a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders” and asked her audience to think of what doubling American trade with Latin America “would mean for everybody in this room”.
The excerpts include quotes from an October 2013 speech at an event sponsored by Goldman Sachs, in which Clinton conceded that presidential candidates need the financial backing of Wall Street to mount a competitive national campaign.

“Running for office in our country takes a lot of money, and candidates have to go out and raise it,” Clinton said. “New York is probably the leading site for contributions for fundraising for candidates on both sides of the aisle, and it’s also our economic centre. And there are a lot of people here who should ask some tough questions before handing over campaign contributions to people who were really playing chicken with our whole economy.”

In the same speech, Clinton was also deferential to the New York finance industry, exhorting wealthy donors to use their political clout for patriotic rather than personal benefit. She also spoke of the need to include Wall Street perspectives in financial reform.

“The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry,” Clinton said. ... 
“It is unsavoury, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be,” Clinton said. “But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”
Crude things happen on Wall Street,
and crude men do cruel things that affect others in great measure...

Which do you care more about, American voter?  Millennial voters who supported Bernie Sanders?  I'm looking at you... 

Have you grown up enough to understand the ways of the world yet? Specifically have you overcome your collective Puritanical past to understand how men sometimes talk to each other in the real world, like in those representational rap songs seemingly shared at every intersection and convenience store parking lot on a hot summer day?  Not all men converse like that in non-mixed company, but plenty do and did...

I care more about the news that will affect me, my life and my country, than castigating a man for his verbal sins.  For that, he will be judged in time.  For this voter though, I'm keeping my eyes on the ball, despite the media campaigns:  I'm not shocked to learn there is illegal gambling in Casablanca, anymore than I am to learn Donald Trump can talk dirty with a Bush boy...

Call me selfish, but I care more about myself and how I will fare under the policies of a Clinton nation/re-made world where everything is free and financed by others.  That Clinton woman has no sympathy, no loyalty other than to herself and her own.  Everybody can see that now.


Make it a great Saturday!

Thursday, October 6

Thursday Throwback.

Everything looks worse in black and white:
"You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that." 
"In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed.  
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get for the thing to pass..."

Wednesday, October 5

"I'm With Her."

The Chicago Tribune's take?
The senator from Virginia came across as over-rehearsed, often interrupting his Republican opponent, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, with points Kaine had already made several times earlier in the debate. At times, Kaine simply seemed to be trying too hard.
Kaine's sometimes awkward performance Tuesday night brought back memories of the last time millions of Americans watched him on television - his speech at the Democratic National Convention. On that night, Kaine unleashed a cringe-worthy impersonation of Trump, repeating the phrase, 'Buh-leave me' to mock the GOP nominee.
ADDED:  I can read the writing on the wall...

"Governments... accordingly... evils are accustomed... the same... right." 
Don't blame me.
I'm just a reader.

Nobody Wants More Tim Kaine.

He reinforced the worst of what we would see from 4 years in a Hillary! administration: bullying, bigotry, and a focus on the small issues that don't matter much to anyone but the ladies* in the media desperately trying to win one for the Hillster...

Does anybody really want to see Tim Kaine a heartbeat away -- a slip and a fall and another concussion to the head -- from the American presidency?  (Talk about an ugly American.)

Voters think on these things...

* Men can be ladies too.
Most media men are... especially the liberal white ones.