Ann Althouse: Meet Chrissy Snow...
"Dogs have dog names. A cat with a dog name is made a clown."
Funny, I thought when I saw the names on the uniforms last night, I connected it with National Dog Day, which I'd just learned about. I thought what might be going on was they were using their dog's name.
By the way, I almost got a dog and was going to name it Jasper. Then I got a cat and used the name Jasper. Are you calling my cat Jasper a clown?
(This happened in the 1970s. I haven't had a cat in decades.)
*Facepalm. You really can't make this stuff up...
Here's another (on the topic of illegal immigrants collecting welfare benefits):
Ann Althouse said...She's getting bolder about speaking out in her non-tenured retirement years. Still, I don't think she has yet to look in a mirror and recognize that if there ever was an example of white privilege passing on legacy privileges to her white boys, she exemplifies it. Too often, people don't see themselves as others do until it is too late to change the misconceptions.
"They should have thought of this before."
If you think of it before, you're a racist. You have to become a victim first. That's your only hope of not being a racist.
You really need to be honest first (stop grabbing on to a piece of the victim card that is so popular to play) and stop writing racist things to stir your base. Otherwise, even white ladies can't escape the idea that they take and take from certain segments society, giving little back...
How long will the wealth privileges last before the black people on the bottom start seeing that it makes no sense to destroy their own backyards and those of other working people, when they could be tearing down the economic boundaries that still separate and segregate us?
Madison? Meet Milwaukee...
They're coming, like it or not.
(And I don't think that playing the victim card is going to excuse anyone from the racist practices over the years that have systematically benefited families like ms. althouse's... We can see it; why can't she?)