Thursday, October 17


Had a fun birthday in Stillwater , and Lake Elmo!, with some of the people who love me! ;-)


Neverending War. Who Voted for This??

 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country and vote these warmongers OUT!

The Jakarta Post
Israel strikes Syrian city, US pounds Huthis in Yemen

Wednesday, October 16

"If the Boys Want to Fight, You Better Let Them..."

 The wisest military move for the world right now would be to send armed troops, led by the United States of America, into Israel.  If our "ally" starts firing as the armed troops invade, fire back...

The IDF one day must be tested against another army, prepared and ready. FullyArmed. Mano v mano, with the IDF co-ed staffed if necessary, but I do not think those rules hold in combat. (The women we see on video appear to be there more as comfort troops to the young men, to be honest...)

Give em a fucking man's war already.  Let them fight other armed men. No rock-tossing kids (18 and up are adults, call them teens if you like, but adults); no civilian women; no elders...

Israel has had plenty of years playing "warm up" by pre-emptively attacking other armies, and "mowing the lawn" (their words) multiple times against civilians.

An actual armed army*, complete with the best in the world US military equipment, which will also be used against us in what we have previously supplied our former ally. If Bibi dares fire back in his ongoing suicide mission against the world...

Now let them fight another army, preferably via an invasion of allies.  Call it Operation Tough Love.  Let the Israelis fight back, or accept an international force on "their" soil, with the IDF laying down their weapons and being conscripted...

The Great Rebuild of Gaza, like the Marshall Plan, would then commence...


Israel said it carried out two strikes in the southern outskirts of Beirut, the first attacks near the city in several days.

See more updates

Israel’s top court ordered the Israeli government to explain its apparent lack of a system for medical evacuations from Gaza.

3 min read



#DareToDream #RealSoldiersDoNotKillChildrenForShame


#The21stCenturyHolocaustIsHappening  #NetanyahuUnmaskedAsToday'sHitler




Tuesday, October 15

Erasure - Love To Hate You (The EIS Christmas Concert 2002) [HD]

"I like to watch a murder mystery... I like to know the killer isn't me~!"


  1. Trump turned us into a nation of haters. He’ll do it again if he wins next month.

    By Bret Stephens

    Oct. 15, 2024
  2. Oct. 15, 2024

Yeah, wake us up when you've got a plan to convince the US Congress -- which allegedly represents the American people -- to put Bibi N and old Israel over its knee for a good, hard spanking, Tom...

You want to... convince Iran to be on better behaviour? Lolol.

Clean up your own house, and come up with a plan now to discipline your own people, Tom.  Has the MSM seen the images on social media? Is the Times still barring their employees from logging onto Twitter and following the discussion there?

I really don't think the old media Israel beat reporters understand how things have shifted... Israel isn't the little guy being bullied anymore.  They're not the skeletal naked figures piled like cordwood in the corner... Congrats, I guess.

The US media and military was unable to convince Bibi's IDF to get into those tunnels and pursue the hostages and Hamas. Instead of performing heroically -- and taking military losses like the American GI's did going in armed only with grenades and flamethrowers into the tunnels under Iwo -- the IDF balked at pursuing the bad guys and instead performed mightily in scorching to death civilians. In hospitals and refugee camps. Alive...

The tide has turned, Tom. If you don't have any good advice for either Israel or the US Congress now, just... take the damn buyout.  Don't end your career shilling for this. History will not judge you kindly either playing at being the judge here.  

The deal is off, God says. You didn't keep the commandments, so you lose the promised land. Your people breached, Tom, and now you're judging o/Others and giving advice? lol.  Wise up. Open your eyes and see what is happening while you advise, sir...

Stephens has children at home still to feed... what's your excuse, Tom?


 A good relationship is when your wife is by your side

during the bad times to tell you that none of this would’ve

happened if you had just listened to her...

Sunday, October 13

Will the MSM accept a Trump Win?

Ezra Klein

Ignore the Polls

4 min read  

That's the real Question as the East Coast legacy media like Ezra Klein advocate on, pushing Kamala for Prez.   

(Imagine if the reporters had only been doing their jobs, reporting honestly all along... Kamala would already be president through the backdoor because honest reporting about Joe's condition of being an incapacitated president means he would have stepped down...)

Kamala Harris has never won anything herself on a national stage (she was the "plus-one" VP on the Biden ticket):  it's hard for the political operatives playing in the field of journalism today to see that, as they only know and accept the political views (mostly anti-Trump) of politics-playing people like themselves... 

Americans ain't playin' this election time.

Saturday, October 12

That died with all the childen...

Maureen Dowd

Where Is the Fierce Urgency of Beating Trump?

4 min read

Off the coasts where there is more diversity of value and more people live closer to the earth in a natural state, there's a great distaste for all this destruction and loss of life...  we don't want to be complicit in these crimes; we defend innocent children being slaughtered for nothing; and we know the costs of unending war because we've paid the price in the past...

Life matters here still.

You're free to vote for more Cheney/McCain in the cover of a black woman; we won't because morally we can't, Maureen.  We're not that hard and we don't need more money to live because we are not as  dependent as those on the coasts cut off from the land... and life.  

Praying for you, sister...  wise up before DC is hit?

Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Official Video)

Wednesday, October 9

Paul Simon - Me and Julio...

Monday, October 7

I don't care what Liz Cheney learned at her father's knee... this is not wise warfare.

 If you love Israel, tell the truth while there is still time?

Middle East Crisis

Trump's Turf.

 With Helene as a warmup, how/what Harris/Biden show for Hurricane Milton in Florida will likely be the October surprise, don't you think?

One Year In. No Way Out.


"Many of the same people who shouted with joy—yes, joy!—when Biden stepped down and Harris and Walz stepped up are now recoiling. Harris needs the base to turn out, and we already know Harris is hemorrhaging votes, especially in battleground states like Michigan, by arming Israel’s genocide. Young people will stay home or vote third-party, because they are being told that there are no electoral avenues for them to change a morally abhorrent policy in the Middle East. In Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, about 35 percent of Democratic voters say they would be more likely to vote for the Democratic nominee if the person supported an arms embargo, compared to just 5 percent being less likely to vote, according to an August poll conducted by the Institute for Middle Eastern Understanding. And in an October poll, among Arab Americans deemed most likely to vote, Trump is leading Harris 46 to 42."

From: Politics / October 4, 2024 "Behind the Harris Campaign’s Quest for the Mythical 'Cheney Democrats' "

Saturday, October 5

Morphing Politics and Entertainment...

The NYT newspaper has a new feature up, this one digitally morphing Madeline Albright and Al Pacino. What will those journnolist/activist/entertainers with the Times think of next??

Meanwhile over in Israel, America's war footprint expands and citizens wonder if America will be attacked before our election...

If only we haa strong leader, understanding what is going on in the world, but no... we've got Hunter's Daddy in charge and all hell is breaking loose while the old man is clueless...

Oh America. We're better than this...

Wednesday, October 2

Everybody Likes Ya When You're Dead... duh.

"Never speak ill of the dead."  

What does this headline even mean?

Opinions of the Hezbollah leader killed by

Israel appear increasingly positive, an 

analysis suggests.

The best way to make a martyr of a man is to kill him, of course... 

And if the killing is extra-judicial, all the more so. 

 (double duh for those in the back, eavesdropping in, nttawwt.)

Monday, September 30

There Are No Children Here...*

*apologies to Alex Kotlowitz