It's not just awkward, it's embarrassing to listen to our speech-reader-in-chief talk to the country in that tone. But you can't really blame the speechwriter for the inserted ad-lib here, or the president's being out of the country and missing the mood of the nation this holiday season...
It's so much bigger a role, than just a minor one starring... You!
Just listen to the poor transition (at :53 seconds in)... he goes from describing a picture of him and his wife, kissing, to talking about ... that night of tragedy. These are two different speeches, two different tones.
"This murderous group, ISIL or Daesh, and its murderous ideology poses a serious threat to all of us. It cannot be tolerated. It
must be destroyed and we must do it together. This is the unity of
purpose that brings us here today.
"By my bed, in the
residence, is a picture of me and Michelle in Luxembourg Gardens,
kissing... Those are the memories we have of Paris. It was early on; I
had no gray hair..."
"So when tragedy struck that evening, our hearts broke too. ..."
(Note: no one laughs at grey hair jokes here, dumbass; you're lucky to safely grow old...)
Our president likes to take the familiar, to buddy up and pretend he is just like us. His power of personality has made all of the work in his administration personally about him. But of course, he's not just a regular Joe, if he ever was, because of his office...
People here care about what is happening on American streets. Whether or not our minorities are properly assimilating and meeting the social and education needs of their own communities. We can no longer tolerate the divisions, because we understand better now what we ultimately risk by alienating from the democratic process our own American underclass.
People here are
not willing to hear that we are going to war on behalf of France, because their leader came a-calling, and our guy once kissed his wife there and has a special memory. Our Congressional representatives need to decide that, after hearing from us.
The condescending media is spinning the message, but no body is giving much credence to what wise Americans are saying regarding our own national priorities, social policies, and internal security needs.
The American people, despite the media push and the primary promises, will no longer quietly bear the costs of fighting for foreign causes, with shifting players, payoffs and promises coming in from abroad too, about what are dollars are buying and achieving, other than a rush of refugees fleeing the chaos that unending warfare leaves behind...
It's time we spent those dollars building trust and security here at home by integrating our own diverse racial and ethnic groups. Some believe: if you want to beat terrorism, like if you want to win the war on drugs, or cure your way to good health, you have to address the causes that make people self destruct.
(Listen closely to the promises he makes at :32 "poses a serious threat to all of us. It cannot be tolerated. It must be destroyed and we must do it together. This is the unity of purpose that brings us here today.
"By my bed, in the residence, is a picture of me and Michelle in Luxembourg Gardens, kissing... Those are the memories we have of Paris. It was early on; I had no gray hair..."
"So when tragedy struck that evening, our hearts broke too. ..."
Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. President. Give Michelle a kiss, and keep your Paris private memories close, as close as the bedside table in your residence even... but please?
Now that you're back in town, keep your personal and your private separate, and have a bit more respect for the gravity of the situation.
It's really not about you, and anybody who is telling you that was a smooth transition from the personal to the professional is lying to you, sir.
"Sweetheart, we're not supposed to talk about them. They own the politicians in America so they get to make us go to war with anyone they don't like in the middle east."
"mommy, why haven't I read about how powerful they are anywhere.. like in the New York Times?"
"Because if you bring that up in public they make sure you can't work anywhere anymore. Now shhhhh! we're not allowed to talk about this."