By John Kass
Sunday Dec. 8, 2024
The historic political comeback of Donald Trump has left Democrats largely unable and unwilling to process what they’ve done to themselves.
Yes, they whine and cry and emote, like wounded adolescent narcissists, because that’s all they can do. What of cold-eyed analysis that might compel them to make difficult choices and save what remains of their party? No. They’re afraid. That is beyond them now. They’re locked in their doom loop.
In granting Trump the White House through an electoral college landslide and popular vote, American voters also made it clear that they were fed up with leftist ideology. This includes allowing criminal gangs to bring poisonous fentanyl over the Democrat open borders, to those do-nothing Soros prosecutors and the crown signature jewel of the Marxist Obama left that eviscerated merit and used racism to awarded American resources:
But how did America get to the point where Republicans, once the country club white shoe party of the Bush family, could begin to wrestle with Democrats for the votes of the working class, minorities and women? How did the Republicans win so decisively?
It was Trump. What he did in remaking the Republican Party is simply astounding. But first he had to politically eviscerate the Bush family political dynasty that controlled the GOP. And so he relentlessly attacked Jeb!, then the standard bearer of the Bush clan for the disastrous war in Iraq, which slaughtered thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis while wasting trillions of American dollars on this and other endless neo-con forever wars.
With that, the Bush GOP panicked and whined, but the Bush era was mercifully over. Eventually, working class whites, blacks, Latinos and young people turned their backs on the Democrat Party that had betrayed them.
But none of that would have happened if Trump didn’t have the guts to pull the Bushes out from the roots.
Oh yes, the Bush Republicans were horrified. George Will and the other noblesse oblige Republicans with their condescending smiling superiority toward working people were finished. And they knew it. As they declined into a cottage industry of resentment, lingering and sniffing around Washington, they became the never-Trumpers like the Cheney family and William Kristol, the second generation neo-conservative and a godfather of the endless wars.
Happily, no one listens to them now.
What’s next?
It is the vehicle that perpetuates the racist idiocy of acolytes of Barack Obama, people like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Robin DiAngelo. It has fed the culturally corrosive and discredited theory of the “1619 Project,” authored Nicole Hannah-Jones and embraced by other race hustlers at the Marxist New York Times. It helped weaken military cohesion. Now many corporations are pulling back from DEI policies, from Walmart to Toyota and more. And good old-fashioned merit might be ready to make a comeback.
Because on November 5, the America people said “No.” Common sense defeated left wing racism. And President Barack Obama’s third term in office–through his senile meat puppet Joe Biden– came to an end.
Many Democrats, from the hysterical lunatics performing on MSNBC to the taxpayer-funded Marxists of National Public Radio that joined other corporate media outlets in censoring and suppressing stories of Hunter Biden’s laptop were so amazed by Trump’s victory that they were left to gibber and gnash their teeth. And now the Democrats are now faced with a choice:
They can try and recapture what they had long championed and again become a party of the people, or they can continue following the discredited Clintons and Obamas down the sewer, while hoping against hope that Americans who rejected them on November 5 will be stupid enough to return to them for another beating.
After all, marketing is said to achieve miracles. Just ask the geniuses at Bud Light.
To win in the future, the Democrats must tear down Obama just as Trump tore down the Bushes. A new Democrat faith must emerge to launch a frontal assault on Obama’s keep in Martha’s Vineyard, sacking it and salting the earth. It must reject the cynical use of race to generate ugly tribalism.
Remember that Obama–who just the other day in a speech in Chicago talked about compromise and turning away from identity politics in order to save democracy–orchestrated two separate coup attempts against sitting American presidents. The first against Donald Trump damaged Trump from the outset and left his administration open to the depredations of the Obama Deep State including corrupt FBI and Intelligence officials, and later there was the Obama coup against Biden, which humiliated the senile old man and ended Biden’s presidency in all but name last summer.
Obama honors himself at every opportunity. But he is America’s one-eyed jack. And we’ve seen the other side of his face.
But who would lead the attack against Obama and risk the enmity of the well-heeled Democrat interest groups? Most importantly, who in the Democrat Party can play the iconoclast and take on the party’s neo-Marxist creed of racial and other grievances?
Obama pretends to rise above grievance, but he’s reliant upon it like an addict, like the “Revs” Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, though far silkier and smoother. Remember just weeks ago when Obama was lecturing young black men who weren’t enthralled with the presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris. Bitter and angry, he harangued them on what he could only understand as the sexism of the great unwashed. It was a rap he had used before. And it had treated him so well in the past. It reverberated in the halls of his many mansions. Perhaps even in that mansion on liberal Martha’s Vineyard, the vacation paradise for the immensely wealthy that was off limits to impoverished illegal migrants who’d crossed the border on Democrat invitation.
Yet those young men who he tried to shame didn’t live among the elites of Martha’s Vineyard or the Gold Coast of Chicago. And they weren’t insulated from the poor economy and pressure from the illegals. Instead, Obama was revealed by his own mouth to be be a complete and utter phony. You could almost hear regular people, those who had been Democrats, shouting “F You Barack” from every corner in every swing state.
Perhaps Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro could take on Obama. Maybe Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would do it, or even that supremely, obviously ambitious Californian with the greasy hair, Gov. Gavin Newsom. But do any of them really want to challenge? Not just Obama but his acolytes, his proselytizers, his disciples, his praetorians.
Speaking of which, Obama wingman David Axelrod, who for years swam in the oily waters of the Chicago Way, has realized the coming threat to his golden goose. And like all successful cynics, Axelrod is nothing if not perceptive.
“If they said, ‘Well, what should we do? Who should lead the party?’ I would take Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, and I would bring him back from Japan and I would appoint him chairman of the Democratic National Committee,” Axelrod said on his podcast. “He is the most skillful, political kind of infighter in the Democratic Party. … He’s been a member of Congress, he’s been White House chief of staff, he’s been the mayor of Chicago. Now, he’s been ambassador to Japan, and he ran, in 2005 and [2006], the campaign to take back the House.”
Emanuel is all of these things yes, but he’s also an Obama man. He will forever be remembered in Chicago as the guy who tried squashing a Chicago Police video showing a white cop shooting black teen-ager Laquan McDonald. Recently, Emanuel turned down the possibility of protecting Obama’s flanks. He’s always been a self-preservationist. Maybe he doesn’t want to risk a cruise on the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Study carefully the face in the picture below surrounded by clergy, and you will understand Emanuel’s virtue: That he’ll do what it takes to protect himself. He’ll do anything.

Rahm Emanuel channels the Holy Spirit in hoping to cleanse himself of the Laquan McDonald cover-up fiasco
Please make no mistake about this column. I’m not trying to protect Obama’s legacy. But a broken Democrat Party doesn’t really help America. Barack is still the phony I knew in Chicago, when he had Tony Rezko buying his dreamhouse and the Tribune carrying his water, and he was sucking up to the Daleys and stabbing his old lefty allies in the back. He helped himself, yes, he did not help black Chicago. He could have helped stop the street gang violence. He could have supported police and prosecutors in the battles against the gangs. But he only cared about himself. He’s been the corrosive force that weakened the Democrat Party infrastructure through DEI and the rest of that Marxist nonsense.
And now, as wealthy donors build him a great temple on priceless Chicago lakefront park land, the Big O is more vulnerable than he’s ever been.
“I think Barack is already finished, already old news,” said a lifelong Chicago Democrat who was involved in the highest reaches of Chicago politics for decades. “Democrats don’t have to find somebody to take him out. He’s already taken himself out. This isn’t Julius Caesar getting stabbed in the back on the floor of the Senate. It’s not that dramatic. He and Nancy Pelosi beat up a senile old man who was once useful, and they were done with him. But those young black men he lectured, those Latinos and the woman who voted for Trump, they all turned their back on Obama.”
In the true Chicago Way, Barack Obama and his meat puppet Joe made scores and more scores and pass generational wealth to their families. Obama’s mansions in Chicago, Washington, Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard where illegal migrants aren’t allowed, and Joe Biden’s mansions on the Delaware Shore were purchased through allies who wanted their influence, and to touch their political power.
This is the true meaning of “the audacity of hope.” The rest is just simply feed for the screeching empty-headed jays.
The Trump family made its own fortune by taking their own risks, building hotels, and tough men poured that concrete for them.
And Obama and his China Joe? They made theirs through politics, through influence, back slapping and rubbing elbows, always looking to find the most important people in the room, as they devoured the soul of their country. Did they produce anything? No. All they did was talk and posture and talk some more.
Americans, including Democrats, deserve better.